Assassin's Conscience?

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One's POV

I finally arrived at her address and guess what she's still sleeping like a cute baby. Wait did I just say that? Scratch that she's cutely snoring while sleeping. Wait no! Damn it! She's sleeping! 'Okay, now how do I do this?' Is my thought as I stood in front of the passenger seat staring at this cute girl. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Wake up." I whispered as I gently nudge her shoulder and she just groan in response.

"Miss!" I yelled and she cutely jumped in shock slowly opening her arms.

"We're here." She looked at me and sighed. She then scanned the area.

"Did you molest me?" She asked.

"Excuse me?" I replied with an angry tone.

"I'm joking jeez." She then exits the car and reach for her wallet.

"You don't have to pay me." I said.

"What? Is it because you've given a ride with one of the most charming girls you've ever encountered?" She said smiling slyly.

I just rolled my eye and return to the driver's side of the car. I looked towards her as she groggily walks towards her house. I sigh at how funny she looks. I then realized she was about to fall. Quickly coming into my senses. I ran towards her. Shielding my body to stop her from hitting the ground. Gladly I made it in time.

"Agh!" I reacted as my back hits the ground.

"Oh, Mr. Uber. I'm really sorry." She apologizes quickly standing up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. Wait what am I even doing at this point.

"T-thank you." She replied as her eyes, darts toward my arm.

"Y-you're bleeding." She said as she slowly reaches for my arm. I quickly retracted it.

"It's just a scrape." I replied and she shoots a look at me pouting. God, she really looks cute doing that. 'Shit, okay seriously what the hell is happening to me.'

"Let's go inside! I have first aid." She said grabbing my arm and dragging me inside. Normally if someone does this to me, they'd be missing an arm for the next 6 months but somehow, I'm getting manhandled by this girl.

"Sit down! I'm just going to wash my face and we'll treat your wounds." She said with such authority.

"I'm seriously okay, so can I just g-." My sentence was stopped midway seeing how she's looking at me.


"No! Stay there!" She quickly exits the living room. I just threw my head back and sigh.

'What am I even doing?' I then heard a her come back with a first aid kit. She looks better now. I assumed she just washed her face. She sat down next to me and quickly grabbed my arm. Our proximity is closer that what I would want but not gonna lie. Being this close to her is making me nervous. I then felt a sudden jolt of nuisance from my arm. This girl just poured alcohol in my arm making me jump in shock.

"Did it hurt?" She asked looking all concern and cute.

"No, I just got shocked, it's cold." I replied and she pouted sorry.

"I'm sorry, I'm still a little tipsy." She whispered. I grab the kit and did it myself.

"I'm all set. Thank you for the bandages. I'll go now." I said cleaning the table and throwing the trash at the nearby can.

"I'll go now." I said as I stood up and quickly went to the door.

"W-wait." She yelled.

"What is it again?" I asked and she looks at me with her eyes... It's filled with sadness.

Cold Blooded. ITZY Yeji x Male Reader. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now