Chapter 4-OctoSarah

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You know that feeling when everything around seems to cave in on you, your throat seems to enlarge from pressure, and you're nearly on the edge of crumbling into beneath the Earth?

That was me right now. I couldn't breathe. The darkness of the auditorium was swallowing me.

"I-I.." Everything that came out of my mouth sounded like a gutter. Gradually, my face seemed to ombré the color red.
Out of conscience, I started to send my message out by using my arms and hands.
From another person's perspective, I looked like an octopus.

Without warning, Cigarette-Man erupted a laugh that resonated throughout the entire auditorium. It seemed as if the darkness was suddenly filled with a light that I couldn't distinguish.

"You're quite funny you know." Cigarette-Man glanced up and met his eyes with mine.

So blue...

I swiftly moved my eyes past his head.
"Thanks, I guess." I said. A minute passed as I waited for a reply.


"Hey.. Cigarette-Man. I just wanted to let you know," I inhaled and exhaled " that I'm very, deeply, truly sorry for that day on the bridge. From the bottom of my mindless brain and heart, I give you a million apologies." I stared at my entwined hands as my glasses began to fog. I really didn't want to think of what he was going to say next.

Huh.' I didn't want to think'...That's a first.

"You know," My head snapped up on the sound of his voice. "Stop calling me by that name." His eyes were strict and swirled with hints of black. I gulped.

I need a drink.

"Just call me Tyler." A light smile formed on his lips while his blue eyes perfectly brightened at the same time. My heart clenched.

What's going on?

I tightened my fist over my chest.

"Also, apologies accepted." He stood up from the seat and covered the piano. I gawked at him as he walked around the instrument and up the stairs. My body and eyes followed his every movement.


I was still at the bottom of the stairs while he was at the top, near the door that led outside. He opened it and left. I stared in the opposite direction.

Everything was silent and dark. My insides are tightening with every second that goes by.

What is happening to me? My hand clenched tighter over my heart.

It wasn't even five seconds until the door reopened.

My head nearly snapped as I quickly looked to see who it was.


"Hey. Are you coming or what? I've never seen someone so eager to stay in school."
My heart squeezed again and my stomach churned.

What the hell is happening? I don't feel well..

Again, I stared at him. He was the light in the dark.

"Yeah..Coming!" I grabbed the straps of my bag and ran up the stairs, towards Cigarette-Man.

Wait. Scratch that.

Towards Tyler.


It has been 2 days since the auditorium incident and Tyler was nowhere to be seen. Everytime I walked in the halls, I tried to be discreet when my eyes wandered for him among the crowd. But there was no point because he was never there. I slouched in disappointment.

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