Headcannons nobody asked for <3

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Asra is a big reader, they love to just sit down in a soft armchair with a book in hand and a cup of tea for hours on end.

If your MC enjoys reading Asra likes sitting with them and reading, if your MC doesn't like to read Asra will use every opportunity they can to sit with you while they read, if they see an opportunity they are next to you one arm wrapped around you the other arm holding the newest book they got on their travels.

Asra is one of those people at the party who knows everyone but will stick with the friend who doesn't know anybody so that that person can have fun.

Asra has a plethora of strange facts memorised and they don't know why they remember these specific things.


Julian has simultaneously the worst and best music taste, he listens to most genres so you'll definitely like some of the songs he likes but he also likes some really bizarre songs.

I feel like Julian would pace whenever he tries to process a strong emotion, and in general he seems like he cant sit still unless he is focused.

Unless he is very calm or tired he is constantly up and about or at the least he is always moving, even if its just him tapping his foot or wringing his hands.

I feel like Julian would be he type of person who despite his stature moves around small spaces with relative ease, he lived with Mazelinka and Portia for a long time and he has been at sea before so he has just grown used to navigating small spaces, however i doubt he is very coordinated.


Nadia is a very capable person, i feel like despite her royal lineage and position as countess she would put great effort into knowing basic life skills purely to have confirmation that she is capable despite her fortunate life.

I feel like Nadia would love if her partner took the time to talk to her about their interests or new information they learned, she is often busy so these moments of learning more about her S/O are moments she loves dearly.

I feel like if Nadia went abroad she would be the type of person who loves touring and learning about the area. She especially loves it if its a place where she can go and enjoy an activity in private so she can relax and not have to be 'The Countess' for a bit.


Muriel seems like the type of person who collects pretty rocks, like he has four or five really beautiful or unique rocks or crystals he found while in the forest that he just likes.

I feel like Muriel knows a lot about botany and likes sharing little facts about plants, animals and insects that he sees when on walks with you, however he only does this when he is feeling talkative or is trying to warn you about a potentially dangerous thing.

Muriel is very aware that he is a very big dude and constantly worries about squishing you if he hugs you too tight or moves in his sleep, so in general he is extremely gentle and careful around you.

I feel like Muriel loves art, he usually opts for carving things from wood but i feel like if under the right circumstance he would be quite artistically talented in general.


I feel like Portia would love board game nights, she seems like a very competitive person so i feel like she would love a night of playing board games and eating treats.

She inherited Mazelinka's cooking skills but because of the time she spends in the palace kitchens i feel like she would also be a great baker (Specifically good at creating insane looking cakes like cake boss type stuff).

Portia is a social butterfly and people gravitate towards her and listen to her because she carries herself with confidence and strength.

Loves taking care of people but if her S/O ever went out of their way to surprise her or do something she wants to do her hear melts.

Portia will happily sit in a field with you just spending time together, chatting and laughing.


This dude is super affectionate but is really hot and cold, like he will be doing stuff all day not thinking about you but then he will suddenly be stuck to you like glue.

The best way to get along with Lucio is to realise he is like a cartoonish bird, he screams 24/7, likes shiny things and goes to great efforts to show off to his S/O.

I feel like lucio often tires himself out because of his grandiose behaviour so before and after parties you will ways find him taking a nap, and if you wake him up for any reason other than the guests have arrived he will be cranky.

He loves holding people and being held so he always makes an effort to hold your hand or cling to your arm but if you doo something like hold his face or wrap your arms around him without him directly asking his heart will melt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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