A mysterious singer

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At Mouseford Academy , that night again , in a dream , Colette was running in a field with four other girls who were familiar to her . She seemed to be having fun with them . She is wearing a beautiful pastel pink dress .

Colette : Wait for me ! Ha , ha , ha !

She stops near a crystal clear river to look at herself through her reflection in the water . Even though it's herself , but she feels like she's someone else . Her blonde hair is a bit light , her blue eyes have a slight color and she wore a crown decorated with rose quartz stones as her Stone Sacred . Then one of the four girls with whom she is accompanied calls , but her voice is familiar to her .

??? : Europe , are you coming with us ?

When Colette turned around , to her surprise , the four girls are actually ... the other Thea Sisters , but more beautiful . Each of them wear a dress and a crown .

Colette : Nicky...? Pam...? Paulina...? Violet...?

Then as always , she wakes up with a start . But this time around , she didn't seem like the only one with this kind of dream .

Pamela : Wow ! That's weird .

Colette : Wait , you have the same dream too ?!

Pamela : You too , Colette ?!

Colette is very surprised . She begins to wonder if her friends have had the same dreams they have all this time as well .

Colette : We have to talk . But first , i have to sent the text message to others Thea Sisters .

At the same time , in their respective rooms , Nicky , Paulina and Violet are also awake . Then each of them receives a text message from Colette . They meet in Colette and Pamela's room . Finally , Colette reveals to them the dreams she has had all this time .

Colette : So that's it...These are the dreams that I had , everything seems to be detailing these last days . Sometimes I wonder who I was .

Paulina : Why didn't you tell us earlier? We too have had these dreams too.

Colette : What...

Nicky : The first time I dreamed of Queen Motherland Oceania . I remember I was in her arms like I was a baby . She called me my child and princess ... then nothing .

Violet : Me too ! Queen Motherland Asia also called me princess and sang me a lullaby !

Paulina : The second dream I had was that I was in a plain with variations of beautiful flowers and they were fragrant . Then I thought I saw Tanya calling me ... she called me princess .

Pamela : I admit that I too have the same dreams as you . Queen Motherland Afrikka held me in her arms . I clearly remember that I was wearing a dress . That morning , I dreamed that we were all together .

Violet/Nicky/Paulina : Same !

Colette : I feel like I've known Tanya , Dina , Vanilla , Connie , Zoe , Alicia and the boys ... for a long time ...

The Thea Sisters don't know what to think . They decide to go to breakfast together . All the other students at Mouseford Academy are still asleep , they are the first to be awakened . Well , that's what they believe . In the hallway leading to the cafeteria , they pass by the auditorium .

Violet : Do you think we should tell others ?

Colette : I do not know... Unless they will believe us .

Paulina : Ssh .

Nicky : What's wrong , Paulina ?

Paulina : Did you hear that ?

The five girls are listening very carefully , Paulina is right , there really is someone singing .

Violet : You right . Who sings at this hour so early ?

Pamela : Let's check .

The closer the Thea Sisters got to the auditorium , the louder the voice grew . They enter discreetly to see who is singing . In the middle of the stage , a student sings .

??? :

O God beyond all praising ,

We worship you today

And sing the love amazing

That songs cannot repay ;

For we can only wonder

At every gift you send ,

At blessings without number

And mercies without end :

We lift our hearts before you

And wait upon your word ,

We honor and adore you ,

Our great and mighty Lord...

Listening to them , the Thea Sisters couldn't clearly see who the singer is , they only seemed to be carried away and rocked by their voice .

Nicky : The voice is...

Violet : Wow...

??? :

Then hear , O gracious Savior ,

Accept the love we bring ,

That we who know your favor

May serve you as our king ;

And whether our tomorrows

Be filled with good or ill ,

We'II triumph through our sorrows

And rise to bless you still :

To marvel at your beauty

And glory in your ways ,

And make a joyful duty

Our sacrifice of praise...

When the mysterious singer finishes singing , Colette , Nicky , Paulina , Pamela and Violet applaud them . The singer was startled , they had not seen them enter .

Paulina : Bravo !

Colette : Beautiful !

??? : Ah , um...T-thanks !

Immediately after , the mysterious singer fled through the other door of the hall . The five friends are puzzled , but who is they ?

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