This Should Be Interesting

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*Hermione's POV*

As I entered the Great Hall, the memories came rushing back. The good, the bad, all of them. I continued and sat at the Gryffindor table right next to Dean and Seamus. As Headmistress McGonagall commanded our attention, I glanced down the table as Dean laid his head on Seamus's shoulder. I smiled, knowing those two were made for eachother. I returned my attention to McGonagall, as she announced sorting would begin momentarily. "Oh and will all 7th years please stay after the ceremony? We have an important announcement." McGonagall added, looking slightly unhappy. After sorting was completed, a wonderful smell filled the air. As we all dug into dinner, Dean leaned over to me and quietly asked "What do you think that was about?" "I'm not completely sure, hopefully nothing bad." I replied, just as curious as Dean. As I glanced around, I caught those grey eyes staring at me again. I quickly looked away, rolling my eyes. Harry started a conversation about how all our summers had been so I joined in. As Neville was describing him and Luna's magical trip to the beaches of France, McGonnigal stood up. "First through Sixth years, you are now dismissed. Prefects please take your houses back to your quarters." The 7th years were all very intrigued now. "Now Students, I'm sure you're all wondering what's happening." The students all murmured in agreement. "As you may know, the war narrowed our population by nearly 20%" The grief in the room was palpable, everyone had lost someone. "Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the Minister, a new restrictive law has been passed." All the students were on the edges of their seats now, the same question on all their minds. What the bloody hell is going on? "I am afraid that the ministry has passed a Marriage Law. This law requires all eligible witches and wizards ages 17-35 who are not yet married to be married and to produce at least two children, after which they may separate if they so choose. We have chosen the most effective system that matches you with the person in the wizarding world with whom you are most compatible." As McGonagall finished, the room erupted in protests. "They can't do this!" A ravenclaw yelled. "We're humans, not animals made for breeding!" A hufflepuff screamed. "Bloody hell, this is bullshit!" Ron blurted out, his face turning almost scarlet. "SILENCE!" Headmistress McGonagall boomed over the students. The room went quiet almost immediately, students now quietly mummering to themselves. "I understand your frustration, frankly I am livid as well. But despite our best efforts, we truly couldn't undo this decision. I am truly sorry my dears." McGonagall announced, her voice breaking with sadness for her students. "Now let us begin with the pairings. Once all the pairings are announced you are to go to the seventh floor, which now contains several apartments where you will all stay. You will be sharing a kitchen, living room, and dining area with 5 other couples. The other couples will be listed on the paper with your room number and important dates you must know. Let us begin." McGonagall finished, bringing out an object similar to the TriWizard Tournament champion chooser. "Harry Potter, please put your name in the Goblet of Fire." As Harry nervously put his name out, it spat back a paper. "Cho Chang!" It announced. Cho shyley stood up and walked over to Harry, neither really looking each other in the eye. "Ronald Weasley, you're up next." Ron, equally as nervous, put his name in the goblet. "Pansy Parkinson!" it announced. "WHAT?" Both screamed out, shocked out of their minds. Pansy quickly stormed to the front, pulling Ron to the side as he stood there, silent from shock. "Now this isn't normal for the ministry to do, but after much protesting from the couples families, they have made an exception in the law, so Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan may be together." McGonagall announced, smiling. The couple jumped up and embraced as the whole hall erupted in applause. "Ginny Weasley, please approach the goblet." Ginny put her name in, as it yelled out "Blaise Zabini" Both looked up, blushing. As they walked off to the side, Blaise carefully took Ginny's hand in his. "Luna Lovegood, please put your name in the goblet." Luna put her name in and it announced "Neville Longbottom" While Neville looked flustered, Luna simply smiled and grabbed his hand. A few more pairings were made, the most notable being Astoria Greengrass and Theodore Nott. "Hermione Granger, please approach the goblet of fire." As I walked up, my nerves were at an all time high. As I put my name into the goblet, it screamed out "Draco Malfoy." Everyone turned to look at either him or I. I was in shock. Draco bloody Malfoy? He bullied me for years! My thoughts were blurring together when suddenly someone took my hand. I knew it was him, but I was too in shock to let go, so I let him lead me to the side as his thumb rubbed circles on my hand. I looked up at him and he simply smiled down at me. Maybe, just maybe, this won't be so bad.

*Authors Note*

Hi lovies! I'm so sorry for not updating in a bit! School has been kicking my ass, and quite honestly I haven't had a ton of motivation. But I'm gonna try to update more. I hope all of you are doing amazing :) . Love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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