3-Encountering Congzi

Depuis le début

''I can't believe you think you have a chance with her if you don't even know the basics...'' Congzi chuckled. 

''I do! I just.. haven't gotten round to learning those things about her..'' Hu Tao grumbled sadly.

''Anyways... I'm planning to make xiao lanterns for the lantern rite festival.. meaning all eyes on me as I sell them at my shop. Meaning Yanfei's eyes on me, meaning she won't pay much attention to you as she will be busy with her own lantern parties. And me of course,'' She let out a giggle.

''I've never really attended a lantern rite... nobody likes me that much...'' Hu Tao started to overthink again.

''Pathetic. Just give up now and you won't have a harder rejection when she tells you she loves me.'' Congzi stood up and walked past Hu Tao, kicking her in the leg and whispered in her ear, ''You don't want a harder rejection now, do you?'' A hot tear escaped from Hu Tao's eye. Congzi walked away, laughing menacingly to herself.

''Maybe I should just give up...'' Hu Tao felt rage and sadness and her stomach churned more, to the point where Hu Tao felt sick to the stomach and wanted to vomit, ''I'll just treat myself to a meal at Wanmin then...'' Hu Tao trailed off and limped down the stairs and back onto the busy streets of Liyue.

Hu Tao took a seat in Wanmin Restaurant and waited for Xiangling or a waiter to come and serve her.

''Hello Hu Tao! What would you like?'' Xiangling says cheerfully. Hu Tao mumbles something quietly, not loudly enough so Xiangling could hear, ''Aww are you okay Hu Tao? Cheer up,'' Xiangling says, patting Tao on the back.

''Hi, sorry heh. Please can I have jewelry soup, crab roe tofu, satisfying salad and vegetarian abalone?'' Hu Tao says quickly.

''That's quite a lot, plus are you sure you're okay?'' Xiangling asks once again, secretly having a soft spot for Hu Tao since she is hated so much, ''I'll make it on the house, don't worry Hu Tao, no need to pay,'' Xiangling says and skips away worriedly to the kitchen.

''On the house...? That's probably one of the nicest things somebody has done for me... I must thank Xiangling somehow...'' 

Suddenly an annoyingly recognizable voice breaks Tao's thoughts.

''Well hey! Didn't expect to see you here, mind if I sit here?'' They take a seat. Hu Tao looks up a little too see painfully boring clothes and then a painfully annoying face.

''Leave me alone Congzi,'' Hu Tao gritted her teeth, ''You shouldn't be anywhere near me.'' Congzi looked a little taken aback.

''Don't be upset Hu Tao... I can let things slide.'' Congzi giggled.

''Heyhey! Leave Hu Tao alone, shoo shoo!'' Xiangling saw that Tao was super uncomfy with Congzi's presence. Congzi got up and walked away, giving a deathly glare in Tao's direction.

''Thanks, heh.'' Tao said, bowing a little.

''You don't seem alright, are you sure things are okay?'' Xiangling asked, taking a seat where Congzi last was.

''I've been thinking a lot recently... especially about Yanfei,''

''The legal advisor? What about her?''

''I think I like her in that way... yknow?'' Hu Tao was worried Xiangling would make fun of her for being so childish.

''Awh, that's so sweet! Tell ya what, I'll make sure to get some things out of her and talk greatly about you to her, but in return you must tell me when that Congzi girl bothers you and I'll get Guoba to scare her away!'' Xiangling felt powerful and happy that she could make a new friend and be of use to someone. ''Alright, you wait for your food patiently and I'll go help Guoba in the chicken! I mean the kitchen- heh,'' Xiangling ran off towards the kitchen and Hu Tao sat there, smiling happily and thankful that someone was there and willing to help her.

A few minutes later and the food had arrived. 

The jewelry soup looked mouth watering, the transparent broth mixed with tofu, snapdragon and juicy lotus head. Each ingredient complimented each other and gave a sweet but bitter taste that left you longing for more.

Next, the crab roe tofu arrived, the sweet and tender tofu chunks drenched in sweet and salty crab roe, with green and minty herbs placed on top.

Then the juicy and appetizing satisfying salad came, with the hot and runny egg, placed on top of rich and healthy cabbages and juicy, firm apple slices with briny potato slices all neatly placed and with each bite, you cannot get enough of the dancing sweetness; the dreamy mix of all flavors in your mouth all at once.

Last but not least the vegetarian abalone, the strange and unique flavors of matsutake and the bitter but dreamy wonderland-in-your-mouth of snapdragon. Carefully put together to create a powerful but striking dish that could leave you almost breathless.

Hu Tao dug in and finished it all, immediately feeling energized, full of courage and full to the brim.

This was probably the best meal Tao had in a long time.

She quickly thanked Xiangling and Guoba (and was rewarded with a chili) and quickly ran off for the harbor.

But what for?

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