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Karlnapity Fluff, thank you chat

Quackity gets sick and gets his husbands to take care of him not wanting to be alone, they're still married in this, Kinoko Kingdom doesn't exist here sorry


3rd POV

              Quackity was talking with the other members about what they should next do in Las Nevadas, Wilbur had just came back and was making himself known next to the wonderful city. Quackity, the leader of the still newly made country had been working tirelessly to make sure nothing happened. There had been so much to happened lately, his husbands were helping but  were currently out gathering materials and seeing what the other petty prior leader was doing around his nation. The black-haired leader had been feeling off for a few days, blaming it on lack of sleep though he wouldn't tell anyone. He was too stubborn to say anything, they had too much to do for him to show anything was wrong. 

"--So Wilbur is making something with Ranboo outside our borders?" Quackity catch Sam mid conversation, sighing softly and nodding

"From what we can tell yes, I have  no clue what they're up to but they have been snooping around lately." Quackity explain, room spinning to him, he close his eyes putting his head in his hands playing it off as annoyance. "lets just keep an eye on them and keep working, it will all be fine" the smaller leader continues looking back up after a moment and opening their eyes again, getting nods from the other members 

"We're back!" Called a happy voice belonging to a man in a colourful hoodie, carrying wood, his blaze-born husband next to him also carrying somethings. Karl and Sapnap, Quackity's husbands. They hurry over putting the things they were carrying into chests nearby.

"welcome back, thank you for going and getting supplies" the younger fox-born boy says softly. little fox tail wagging happily. 

" 'course! happy to help!" Karl says cheerful as ever

the group continues to talk.

Quackity's POV

The group continued to talk but i zoned out of it. the world around me still spun and everything ached painfully, I tried to ignore it because i have things to do. I nod along with the conversation here and there catching bits and pieces

"-making a van--"



I look up hearing someone address me

"Hmm? sorry what did you say?" I said looking up at Sapnap who was talking to me

"i asked what you thought we should do, are you good?" He repeats, eyes full of worry

"Yeah, im fine, why?"

"you're pale and swaying Quackity" I hear from behind Sapnap from Sam

"i always sway and im fine, just dehydrated i guess" I try to play off, i don't think any of them believe me but Slime, but Slime is kinda...dense

"Okay" Karl starts giving a soft, worried look that just screams that he knows im lying "then lets get you some water  Its gonna get dark soon though so we should call it here today" He says with a gentle smile, i always love his smile.

 I simply nod, before getting sent into a dizzy spell due to it. swaying and almost falling. Karl and Sap help me keep balance.

"we'll take Q inside, goodnight" Karl says quickly as everyone else starts to worriedly questioning me. it just hurts my head more. too much going on. 

The others nod and im helped inside, i don't need to be helped, i try to walk myself but stumble almost immediately

"your sick Quackity, no walking, we've got you. " that same soft voice that i fell for, I look at Karl and Sapnap with a small nod. 

They help me inside the house we built behind the main building in las nevadas and straight to our room. where they sit me down and help me into more comfortable clothes. Sapnap goes off to get me water and what i can only assume is going be medicine. Karl takes to cradling me carefully and trying to figure out what all is wrong.

"okay Q, i know you dont like to admit your sick but you most defiantly have a fever, your burning up and your paler then paper so you arent well. what else hurts?" he whispers as if sensing the migraine thats inevitably growing  due to being sick. 

i dont speak simply pointing to my head, throat and stomach before allowing myself to curl into him. Soon enough Sapnap comes back as expected with serval things of medicine and water coming next to me and looking at Karl, handing him the little bottles for him to figure out which i need. I just lay against them. A gentle tap made me look up.

"take these for me Q, then we can all lay together and cuddle, how's that sound?" Karl whispers moving my hair out of my face. I give a small sleepy smile and a small nod, if you could really call it that as i take the little tablets handed to me and the water taking them, definitely not struggling at all, before i curl up against them. They lay me down and after that i was asleep.

I woke up the next mourning feeling a bit better, snuggled up between my husbands. Maybe its okay to tell them if something is wrong. I smile, closing my eyes again and staying with them.


Hello everyone!! 

Hope you liked this, sorry if to wasnt the best. have a great day/night, until next time chat

900 words

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