shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he pulls on san's hoodie, which still smells of his laundry detergent and faint cologne, and heads out the door. he has a feeling about today, he doesnt know why but he knows it's there.

so he heads out, across the bay nearer to where beomgyu's yacht party had been, leaving to go to a club for the first time since he met san. his friends are already there and he hopes someone else is there too, although whether he is or not, wooyoung will have a better time looking if he actually leaves his apartment instead of lying in bed dwelling on his strange feelings towards this half stranger and worrying if san might be into guys at all.

wooyoung arrives outside the club and it's already dark. he knows he's underdressed but he's not looking to attract anyone or hook up like he usually does. today is solely about san.

joining his friend group at a booth he gets handed a drink and teased about his plain outfit.

"seriously woo, where did you find that sweater it's like 2 sizes too big for you," says yeonjun, wrinkling his nose but smiling to let wooyoung know it was all in good fun. "it's cute but this isnt a library date, youre here to get drunk and party for gods sake!"

they party a lot, these people, wooyoung included, but this is the first time he's ever felt uncomfortable and out of place in a setting like this.

scanning the room and the crowd anxiously, he's looking for someone with dark hair and a shock of red going through it. as impossible as it is.

"who are you waiting for wooyoung, we're all here," seonghwa yells over the loud music before turning back to laugh at something someone else said.

wooyoung feels frustrated, on edge. it might be easier to drink and forget this feeling faster. dont be pathetic theres no way he'd be here.

he pulls the long sweater sleeves over his hands, toying with the cuffs of the soft fabric. he didnt remember san being much taller than him but he's swimming in san's clothes, its comforting he thinks absent-mindedly.

he doesnt know why he's so infatuated with this boy but he is, and as he pulls up to the bar and orders a strong mix of something and something, he swears to god he FEELS san's presence.

"you look so cute in that."

that voice.

wooyoung whips around. his spidey senses weren't lying.

the boy with his two toned hair and big sparkling eyes is practically touching noses with wooyoung.

"san?!" wooyoung squeaks, blushing hotly already. "it's so- i wasnt expecti- hey!"

san thinks im cute what the FU-

"fancy seeing you here." san looks so genuinely happy, eyes sparkling as he takes the empty seat next to wooyoung's.

"do you- i can give this back to you if you want sorry i-" wooyoung is flustered, he goes to take the hoodie off. san is staring at him so intently it's making him blush and his brain backfire.

"no no keep it! it looks better on you anyways," san puts his hands on wooyoung's where they're tugging at the bottom of the hoodie. his hands are big and warm and suddenly the only thing wooyoung can think about is how wants them all over him, on his back, his waist-

fate ? ─ woosanWhere stories live. Discover now