he pulled himself together quickly, seeing iwaizumi was giving him weird looks through the rearview mirror at his silence. because when was oikawa ever silent at the opportunity of embarrassing his best friend in front of a girl. but the last thing he wanted to do right now was even interact with the pair. he knew this was the biggest mistake ever agreeing to come to this reunion tonight.

"you look beautiful sakura, has iwa told you that? probably not because he's always been bad at this sort of thing. leave it to me and i'll do all the sweet talking," oikawa teased.

"shut up shittykawa," iwaizumi groaned.

sakura just gave a small laugh at the front and turned to look at oikawa with a smile.

"yeah, he is kinda bad at this, but he's learning," she said with a laugh.

iwaizumi groaned as he drove on, oikawa took the liberty to exaggeratedly flirt with her once again to annoy him, just as he always did back in high school. making iwaizumi cry out in protests and shout at oikawa for being so obvious which made sakura just laugh.

oikawa was dying on the inside however, pretending he was fine was draining for him after he put on a i'm better than everyone else act since middle school. he watched iwaizumi's hand grip sakura's thigh as he drove one handed, thinking about the what if's and if it was him in this situation. god he hated life, he hated iwaizumi, he hated sakura. most of all he hated hanamaki for inviting him tonight.

they pulled up and the three got out of the car, oikawa shut the door and gave his hair a ruffle. he sighed looking at his reflection in the window. he had to give it to himself, he was a damn good actor, even oikawa himself couldn't see any traces of the jealous or sadness he was currently feeling behind his façade.

"stop checking yourself out," iwaizumi said nudging him.

oikawa turned to him with a smile. "well someone has to have the looks," he said almost singing as iwaizumi hit him over the head lightly.

"you're lucky i don't break your nose, then you won't be as pretty as you seem to think," iwaizumi joked.

"i'd still be prettier than you even with a broke nose," oikawa jeered back.

iwaizumi rolled his eyes walking around to sakura's side to take her hand in his, the two exchanged quiet words as they walked off in front of oikawa.

oikawa rolled his eyes in disgust at their happiness, he hated happy couples whilst he was miserable and single. he frowned slightly but covered it as he walked behind them like nothing was the matter. noticing the way that iwaizumi's hand clasped around hers tightly made his heart tug in his chest, he would need alcohol, a lot of it to get through tonight.

when they got in, oikawa recognised the majority of the people there, most people from the volleyball club and a few new faces whom he was guessing were just they're friends they made after high school. even worse, he had to pretend he was fine to complete strangers too.

he greeted a hello to everyone as he usually did with his smile and confident cocky demeanour, getting a drink as soon as he walked in noticing the booze. he almost downed his first cup in one after watching iwaizumi give her a small kiss to the check which made him vomit in his mouth just a little. when did he get so publicly affectionate with anyone? he hated it.

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