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Right person, wrong time. A sentiment echoed about lovers far and wide. It could've worked, should've worked, just not right then. Not right now. That's how Natasha felt about her ex, Wanda. A gorgeous, intelligent, vibrant woman that Natasha had pushed away to purse her own goals. It was her greatest regret, not treasuring Wanda. Being so focused on achievement that she let her slip away, and not noticing until it was too late. So when she received a surprise invitation to a wedding that Wanda may also possibly attend, she resolved she would not let another opportunity pass her by.

Outwardly, if you asked Natasha to her face, she'd tell you she prayed and hoped Wanda wouldn't be at this wedding. That she wouldn't have to see or interact with the other woman. But inwardly, secretly, embarrassingly, the only reason Natasha attended Tony and Pepper's wedding was the small glimmer of hope that she may see her ex from so long ago.

It felt like eons ago that Wanda and Natasha dated. A fling, really, that started the summer before the pair's senior year of college. They'd met at a party thrown by Natasha's friend Steve, and the rest was history. The two spent nearly every waking moment of that summer together, stargazing, wine tasting, swimming, doing any extravagant activity the pair could think up. It was paradise on earth.

But the school year rolled around and the two tried to make it work for a while, but Natasha obsessed over grad school applications, her CIA resume, her job at the gym. Dates became few and far between, weekends were spent at Natasha's apartment, but she wasn't really present. Things fell apart slowly, and by the time winter break came, Wanda knew she had to break it off. Months of neglect led her to break up with Natasha on Christmas Eve, unfortunate timing yes, but Wanda exploded at a party when Natasha spent to entire evening with Steve, talking about upcoming exams. At the time, it was a shock to Natasha, but upon a few years of reflection, it was clear who was at fault. Perhaps an even greater regret of Natasha's was that she never got the chance to apologize. With this wedding looming, maybe she could.

This could very well be the last time she ever saw Wanda, and she was determined to make the most of it. She would win Wanda back, even if she only had one evening to do so.

Hey honey bunnies. Start of my new fic. It'll be really short, maybe 7 chapters at most. Chapters may not be that long either.

Hope you enjoy.

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