Warm and Dead

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I hit the ground with a loud thump after I jumped through the portal. I closed it just as I made it all the way though so the cultists couldn't follow me. I sit up, and the first thing I noticed was heat, unbearable heat.

I opened the portal to oblivion, but I wasn't sure if it would take me to Purgatory or the Deadlands. I was hoping for the Deadlands, but I wasn't sure if I would have to cross Purgatory again. The heat was unmistakable though. I was in the Deadlands.

"Oh? You again?" I turn my head to see the Dremora that lead me though the tower when I first came here. I stand up.

"Yes, me again. Where's Mehrunes Dagon?" I bush myself off and wait for the Dremora to answer me. "Well? Go get him."

The Dremora looks confused for a second. "I can't guarantee he'll come, but so be it." He says, and walks off.

I wait for a little bit then Mehrunes Dagon walks up from behind. "Dagon."

"Mortal." He says, with his smooth, deep voice. It was almost soothing, then I remembered he's the Daedric prince of destruction.

I start nervous in front of him. He wasn't a friend, and I know he could kill me with a swipe of his large red arms. He wasn't a mortal like me, Mehrunes Dagon is a Daedric prince who was created to fight Molag Bal, another powerful entity.

Daedric Princes are like gods, just not gods mortals worship. They're like the nine, or eight, gods mortals worship, except most Daedra are the opposite of what gods stand for. Gods are all powerful beings that some mortals rely on to guide them and keep them safe. Daedric princes, like Molag Bal for example, are intent on destroying Nirn and killing mortals.

The gods are called "Aedra" meaning ancestor. "Daedra" means not ancestor. Aedra are the beings that helped create Mundas. There was a god, known to man as a god, a trickster to the mer, the elves. His name was Lorkhan. Lorkhan and the Aedra created Mundas as the Daedra retreated into Oblivion.

Dagon wasn't a part of the original Daedra. He was created to stop the Daedric prince Molag Bal. Dagon was created to be Molag Bal's enemy. In my opinion, if the two Daedra worked together, they could easily take over Nirn, but it is in their nature to be enemies. 

When Dagon was created, there were spider like creatures known as dreugh that ruled Lyg,m. Lyg is like a shadow version of Nirn. The Daedric prince of domination, mortal enslavement, and brutality, Molag Bal ruled these creatures.

Followers of the god of magic, Magnus, knew that the dreugh and Molag Bal couldn't continue ruling, so they made a plan to get rid of the dreugh and Molag Bal.

They created a creature who would be known as Mehrunes Dagon in the bowels of Lyg. These followers of Magnus know as the Magna-Ge, planned to make a deity of hope. They created Dagon with that hope, but their planning went wrong.

Dagon ended up being a force of destruction but he did the job and over threw Molag Bal and the dreugh. The Magna-Ge saw their mistake, but Mehrunes Dagon was already created.

I look at the Prince of Destruction. "I have a favor to ask of you." I say, nervously to the large, red, for armed creature before me.

"Alright mortal, let's hear it." Mehrunes Dagon says. He has an axe in one hand, and some sort of spiked claw on his other hand. The weapons intimidated me.

"Um. I'd like you to kill someone before you return to Oblivion. You can destroy a cult to, in the process." I say, and cross my arms nervously.

"Hmm. That seems fair. Who is it?" I honestly didn't expect him to agree, but at the same time, he is the prince of destruction and believes Nirn is his realm to take. He would destroy anything on Nirn if he had the chance.

"Her name is Nysaiah. She's the leader of a cult called Daedra's End. They're dedicated to ridding Nirn of Daedra, and they're part of the reason I'm summoning you to Nirn." I say, and Dagon nods.

"So be it. I'll kill this mortal for you, then return to the Deadlands." Dagon says, then begins to walk away.

"Mehrunes Dagon."  I say, and the prince turns around. "You normally give your artifacts to your most loyal servants, correct? I'll need a way to protect myself from the Daedra's End cult. Your artifacts should do the trick."

"Alright, mortal. I can't have you dying before I step foot on Tamriel, so I'll give you a weapon to protect yourself against this cult. Take the Sword of the Moon Reiver." A few seconds later, a Dremora walks up with a large sword. "Take it." I do as the prince says. The prince walks away, and I open a portal home.

The first thing I do when I step foot into my home is make sure the Mysterium Xarxes is where I left it, and it was still there. This book was written by Mehrunes Dagon, and it might give me the means for a fail safe incase Dagon decides to betray me. Daedric princes aren't the best beings to trust.

Part of the failsafe will be knowing Dagon's nymics, or his true name. I already knew both, that's why I made the deal with him and not another prince. The Sword of the Moon Reiver could possibly help me banish him, but his Nymics should do the trick.

We still have a few days until Mehrunes Dagon's summoning day, so I have time to prepare a failsafe. After he kills the dreadful cult leader Nysaiah, he might just keep going. I can't trust a Daedric prince who has the bloodlust to destroy the very place I'm bringing him too.

A failsafe is necessary to ensure the plan goes as planned. Dagon is my subject, not the other way around. I'm not his minion, he's the test subject in my experiment. I won't be fooled into letting him have free roam of the lab.

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