YOU: "What do you want to know? My asshole boss? How I spit on my mother's grave or how I can drink as much as I like without getting drunk" I look at her and take a sip

LIZ: "All of it" she smirks a little and leans against the bar

YOU: I chuckle and nod "Well. My boss is an complete ass, sexist and narcissistic bastard and wont make me CEO cause i'm a wOmAn and too stupid.... On my mother's funeral I showed up with a red dress and spat on her grave and threw some dog shit on it and I used to inject alcohol into my veins. And now i'm an alcoholic who cant get drunk" I smile and knock my drink back

LIZ: "Damn... you life is really fucked up huh?" she raises her eyebrow

YOU: "Yup" I nod a little and put my glass down

LIZ: "Well let me tell you honey.. this is not the place you want to be, you should've ran away right before you walked in"

YOU: "Why? Cause when you die in here you have to stay?" I smile/smirk "I like a challenge Liz" she didn't tell me her name yet, I grab my glass and take another sip after refilling it

LIZ: She looks at you shocked "How did you know that? And how do you know my name?"

YOU: "Oh well the hotel is quite famous for its... rumors" I smile a little "Oh and I know your name cause somewhat i'm a witch. I haven't figured out much but I know peoples name when I look at them and sometimes I can move things so that's pretty cool"

LIZ: "Hmm... witch, sounds interesting" she stands up and walks behind the bar again

YOU: "Yeah right?" I refill my glass and take another sip

LIZ: "I still think you should leave.. this place should be shut down anyways" she starts cleaning glasses

YOU: "A shame.." I look around "I like it to be honest"

LIZ: "You wont like the spirits.. believe me" she looks at you

YOU: I look at her "I'm sure the famous James Patrick March will like me once he gets to know me... I dont like John and neither so I like that one other ghost. That boy.. I forgot his name... anyways" I knock my drink back

LIZ: "Hmm.. dont say I didn't tell you so" she puts the glasses on the shelf

YOU: "Alright. I wont" I smile a little

LIZ: She rolls her eyes a little

YOU: "Hey dont roll your Liz Taylor" I chuckle and take another sip after refilling my glass again

LIZ: "I didn't witchy" she looks at you

YOU: "I have a name" I chuckle "But I like witchy"

LIZ: "Well you never told me your name" she crosses her arms over her chest

YOU: "I know. And I wont. I like witchy to much" I laugh softly

LIZ: "Fine witchy" she chuckles and points to your glass "Are you done?"

YOU: "Neverrrr" I refill it

LIZ: She chuckles and nods as Sally appears next to you

SALLY: She checks you out and smirks "Hey cutie"

LIZ: "Sal fuck off"

YOU: I look at Sally while sipping my drink "I have a name, Sally. But by your look I guess you dont care since you look at me like i'm some piece of meat" I take a big gulp

SALLY: "I'll eat you out like one too baby" she puts her hand on your upper thigh

LIZ: "Jesus Christ Sally, just leave her alone"

SALLY: "What? She's hot, Liz"

YOU: "And not interested" I take Sally's hand off me and take another sip "Why dont you go and slice open the mattress in which you put a body in earlier and have some fun with that"

SALLY: "How the fuck do you know that?" she furrows her eyebrows

LIZ: She sighs deeply

YOU: "Cause I'm smart and you smell like a dead body.. back off a little that smells kinda gross" I refill my glass

SALLY: She scoffs and tears up "Fuck you" she grabs your glass and pours your drink on you before disappearing

YOU: I gasp and look down on me

LIZ: "Sally!"

Mommy Sally❤️‍🔥Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt