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It was all over the tabloids, the gossip, and Social Networking Sites. There were photos of Yoon Seri arriving with Gu Seung Jun and leaving with the Minister.

Anyone with a working brain could understand the malicious depiction of the media by putting the two photos side by side.

The Chief of Staff sighed as his boss was once again manipulated into the center of misogynistic gossip.

"What's the matter?" A voice from behind them said, and Hong Chan Sik immediately snatched the tabloid from Geum Eun Dong.

"Nothing, Ms. Yoon."

"That's good."  The assemblywoman was holding a green juice in her hand, and her staff didn't need to take a sip to know that it must taste horrible. "I can't deal with stress right now, Mr. Hong. I have a terrible hangover."

Yoon Seri adjusted her massive sunglasses to hide what was underneath, as no amount of concealer and foundation could hide her swollen eyes.

The moment that their boss walked towards her office and out of their sight, Geum Eun Dong's phone beeped, indicating another article about Yoon Seri.

Minister Choi Chul Soo had given a statement, condemning the media for jumping into conclusions and throwing the assemblywoman under fire just for a juicy scoop. He added that she was a valuable colleague and a friend, and what was captured was a friendly gesture of walking to her car where her driver was waiting.

In Seri's office, the assemblywoman leaned back on her executive chair, thinking that it was a very bad idea to get out of her bed this morning.

She could've easily told everyone she was sick.

And she was. It was just numbed by all the alcohol she drank last night.

The sound of her phone ringing sounded like a drum was banging in her ears. She wasn't supposed to answer it but Minister Choi was on the other line, and who was she to decline the call?

"Minister." She started off.

A manly chuckle was all she heard from the other side. [I told you to call me Chul Soo. I'm not your boss anymore, Seri.]

"When did you say that, Sunbae-nim?"

[Since when have you stopped following instructions, Seri?] He laughed, [Chul Soo. I told you last night while you were taking all the glasses of champagne on the waiter's tray and putting it all on your table.]

"I don't remember any of that."

[With that amount of alcohol, who would?] He teased, before his voice took in a more serious tone. [Anyway, I'm sorry about the news. I released a—]

"What news?" He asked.

[You haven't seen it?] Yoon Seri shook her head, as if the man on the other line could see her. [You should probably check, Seri.]

He continued, [I didn't mean any harm by walking you to your car.]

"Don't you worry about it, Chul Soo. I'm a tough shell to break."

[Sure you are.]

A bottle of tequila on her second round at home, and the image of Ri Jeong Hyeok kissing another woman were all it took to break this tough shell into tiny million pieces.


When Yoon Seri marked Ri Jeong Hyeok's proposal as disapproved as a chairwoman of the committee, she knew that retaliation would come in her way sooner or later.

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