I hereby present the Adam Concussion AU

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"Snow's getting up!"

"Go Snow!"

A cacophony of cheers rang out from the onlookers as Langa shakily rose to his feet. He had no doubt that his arm was broken but from what he could tell he was otherwise unharmed, his arm seemed to have sustained all of the impact. Langa glanced over at Adam, who lay completely still a considerable distance away, before grabbing his board with his uninjured arm. He knew it was only a matter of time before Adam got back on his board and he wanted to be prepared.

"Adam's moving!"

"Is he going to get up?"

"Come on Adam!"

Adam's arm twitched, then he gradually brought himself up on his hands and knees only to topple back over again. He looked around, disoriented, before rolling over and throwing up to the side.

"Ainosuke sama?!" gasped Tadashi. Before he knew it his legs had begun to carry him forward and he was sprinting toward the track without another thought.

Meanwhile, Langa had caught onto the fact that something was off and approached Adam, setting his board down and kneeling down beside him. "Adam? Are you alright?"

Adam made another attempt to get up but quickly lost his balance and fell flat on his back. "Mngh...what's going on...why am I spinning...?"

"Huh? But you're not..." Langa's eyes widened and he removed Adam's mask to check his eyes, only to wince at the marks left by the mask digging into his face during the impact of the fall. The mask was offset and left two sets of marks that were just a little apart from each other, which suggested that Adam's head had hit the ground more than once. Langa's theory was that Adam wasn't as fortunate and his head took most of the impact, and that the fall was harsh enough that it bounced and hit twice. He waved his hand in front of Adam's eyes but they struggled to track it. "Hey Adam? Can you tell me where you are?"

Adam quietly mumbled something about daffodils before leaning over and vomiting again. He managed to sit up this time and his pounding head finally cleared enough to produce a single coherent thought. "Tadashi...where's...wannasee...I wanna...seeTada..."

"Adam, listen to me, I think you have a concussion. We should get you to a hospital before anything else, but maybe before that let's-" Langa jumped to his feet as he realized Adam was trying to stand again. "Don't get up! You're just going to injure yourself even more!"

It was too late though, Adam was already on his feet and painstakingly moving forward, swaying more and more with every step he took until a sudden headrush caused him to black out for a moment. His head hit the rocky ground with a sickening crack, sending him into an instant seizure. It only lasted a few seconds but to everyone watching it felt like an eternity. Once he had been still for a while Langa delicately cupped his head and lifted it off the ground only to set it down, startled, as Adam screamed in pain. Langa was out of ideas at this point. He would have carried him if it hadn't been for his arm and he ran into the same problem when it came to most basic first aid. Luckily Tadashi arrived a beat later and scooped Adam up in his arms, cradling him gently with his neck supported like one would hold a baby.

"I'll take him to the hospital, you worry about that arm. It looks like it's broken pretty badly."

Langa nodded. "Good luck."

Tadashi took off running toward his car as fast as he could, trying to ignore the little pained noises coming from Adam as each one he heard made his heart sting. If it were any less urgent that he get medical attention Tadashi would have tried to make the journey far less rough. Unfortunately they just didn't have the time for that. Adam's breathing pattern was a mess and Tadashi feared that at any moment he'd just stop breathing altogether. He had regained consciousness but just a little bit, only enough to leave him looking around for hints as to what was happening as much as his eyes would let him. The crowd parted swiftly to let Tadashi through and on the way he passed right by Cherry and Joe and the others. It was for the briefest of fleeting moments but Cherry and Joe could have sworn they saw Adam make eye contact with them. Tadashi took his jacket off to set under Adam's head as he laid him in the backseat then sped to the nearest hospital with a complete disregard for traffic laws. At one point Adam threw up in his car but he didn't really care at that moment. As soon as he parked he dashed out of the car as fast as possible, apologising instinctively when Adam winced at the loudness of the door slamming shut, then picked him up as carefully as he could and tried to close the backseat door quietly.

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