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As soon as the ref waved the flag, we both took off.

As I skated, I took a moment to look at my surroundings. 

Okay. What can I use to make a short cut for myself?

We skated down a turn. He was in front of me.

Suddenly, I noticed a gigantic rock ramp that led to another part of the course below. I knew what I needed to do.

I quickly jumped up on the ledge with my skateboard and skated up the ramp.

As I flew in the air, I did a backflip and a spin. My skateboard landed first, then I did, right on top of it on my feet.

I took gymnastics for 10 years, ever since I was 7. The balance beam had always been my favorite, and it's what helped me pull off tricks like this.

I skated down and took a sharp turn. My opponent was way far behind me.

I swerved my board back and forth as I went down a path with a small incline. I really had forgot how much fun this could be.

Before I knew it, I was in the building where the finish line was. When I went inside, the crowd cheered.

I jumped up onto the railing and rode on it for a while.

Soon came time for the stairs. I jumped off the railing and back onto the main road. Then, I took another jump.

This time, I put my hands on my board and did a handspring off it. My board accelerated backwards, but I grabbed it and slid it underneath me.

Both my board and me landed on the ground, and we passed the finish line. My opponent was nowhere to be seen.

"Niki has done it again!"

"She's still got it!"

"No way! She slaughtered him!"

"Show him who's the boss, girl!"

Soon, Jin came in and crossed the finish line as well. He was gasping for air and sweating really bad. Makes sense though, he was wearing a hoodie. It was hot out tonight.

I bended down to him. He just looked up at me. "What?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"I heard about a really great toy store in town. They sell dolls for little boys and girls." I told him with a smirk, then straightened myself up. The crowd went wild.

"Ooh! She got him good!"

"That's what he gets! He told her to go home and play with dolls!"

"You DON'T mess with Niki!"

Jin didn't say a word. He just picked up his skateboard, glared at me, then walked out. The crowd parted to let him through.

"Somebody's got a sour attitude." I laughed to myself.

I looked through the crowd, and saw Reki and Langa among them. I smiled, and walked over.

"Hey! Thanks for the board! It really worked well. It might be my most favorite board I've ever used." I told Reki.

He just stood there, scratching the back of his head. "Well, it was nothing. You know that? I just made it, it wasn't anything special." His cheeks were bright red from embarrassment.

I gave him a big smile, then looked over at Langa. "So! How has shifting your weight on the board been? Have you got the hang of it?"

He looked back at me with confusion. "Huh?"

"Don't you remember?" I asked him, grabbing the hair tie in my hair. "I gave you advice about shifting your weight?" I took my hair out of a ponytail and shook it loose.

Niki (A Sk8 The Infinity Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now