Hotel Amor-Illusio

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             Hotel Amor-Illusio

I can’t remember why there is wind howling beside my ears. I can’t remember why my head hurts so much as if someone has been pounding it like a hammer. In fact, I can’t remember anything about myself up until the point I stumbled upon this strange building before me. It was a salmon pink brick covered building,  decorated with elaborate and delicate white floral relief and marble pillars. The windows rimmed with gilded roses and the gate guarded with statues, on top of it the gate, large cursive words glowing in pink and purple neons spells to “ Hotel Amor-Illusio ”

The overwhelming exhaustion takes over me as I stumble into the door looking for answers. Inside of the hotel appears to be even more resplendent. Golden vine patterned wallpaper and rows of identical carved red wooden doors tinted by dim pink lights of hallways. But despite all that magnificent display, not a single person is found, not a single sound was heard beside my own breathing. Unnerving silence filled every corner of the building. I fought the urge of dropping down to the floor and reached for the red door closest to me. 

The burning heat pushed me back several steps.  Before me seemed like inside of a volcano, filled with burning flames and glowing lava between dark rocks. Not wanting to be burned I immediately shut the door. My body grew even heavier as I went on to the next door.  This time what blew me back is freezing wind and sharp snowflakes blinding my vision . I made an effort to pull the door back close. At this point my body is barely keeping itself standing. I silently prayed the next door to lead to a less extreme condition. 

The third door opens to a shore. First thing that meets my eyes is the gray sky blending into the blue ocean and white sand. When I passed through the door a soft wind caressed my skin, pushing me forward. 

A figure stood on the line between land and water. I reached for the figure trying to get their attention but my body must have given up at that point. I dropped down onto the sand, startling the figure to turn around. 

I thought I had come face to face with a goddess. She has a long white robe on, her honey colored curls loosely run down her, her pearl skin glints under the sun. I wanted to speak, to greet, to ask where am I, but darkness consumed me before I could open my mouth. 

I found myself woken up in a cave, past the stone walls was the same blue ocean and gray sky from before. 

“ I wasn’t expecting visitors.”

I wiped my head around, it was the girl I saw before I passed out. She sits beside me, hugging her legs.

“Uhhh…” I tried to remember the question I had in mind. “ Where am I? ” 

“You’re at Hotel Amor-Illusio, room 107.”

“No, no, I mean I saw that when I first got here, uhh… I meant what is this place? How did I even end up here?” 

She let out a sigh “This is a place that exists outside of the universe which you’ve known, it’s where time stops and space becomes unlimited. Every room leads to a different place. As of how you ended up here, I truly do not know.”

“Oh…” disappointed in her answer, I stayed quiet until awkward silence grew between us. 

“Don't you have something to ask me?” I shifted uneasily. 


“I mean, for me to just suddenly show up here, and kinda just pass out… you must have some questions for me?”

She chuckled at that. “I do not think that's needed, plus, I doubt you are able to remember anything to answer me with even if I asked.”

“Wait, how did you- ” 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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