
"Damn, we're already busted?" You say quietly. 

"aww man." Hanma says.

"Our last rat had it really badly you now? Couldn't take the heat, so I think he killed himself?"

"You've got it all wrong Koko-kun. I was just-"

"It's torture for you!!" Koko said, smiling. "Get this shit stain outta here."

The sounds of the guy pleading can be heard, as they dragged him down the hallway. 

"Now then, how to deal with the rest of you?" Koko said, sticking out his tongue. "Oh, you're the macho-girl!" He said, recognising you. "Boss took a liking to you, so I'll let you go."

"Umm, thanks?"

"We're not here to fight." Kisaki states, ignoring your existance once more. You watched as Koko eyed the room. He noticed the wad of cash on the table. 

"A hundred thousand. For one hundred thousand, I'll tell you bastards what you wanna know."

Kisaki stood up and handed him the wad of cash directly. "I want to know when Taiju is alone."

A small silence hung in the air, the colourful lights of the room distracting many of you guys. 

"The boss is never alone. He's always got five soldiers with him. Except for one day."

"And when's that?"

"Christmas Day. Despite appearances, the boss is rather a zealous Christian. Every year, on Christmas night, he goes to church to give worship. Always by himself!"

"I see," Kisaki states. 

"...Is that all?" 

"Yeah. That's enough."

"The boss is strong, even when he's alone. The girl aside, think the four of you can win?" He opens the door. "I can't wait for Christmas." He chuckles, walking out the room.

"Why are you betraying Taiju-kun?" Takemitchy asks.

"I like strong guys. That's all. If you wanna know more, that'll be another 100,000." Koko says, the sound of his shoes clicking against the floor as he walks down the hall. 

"Takemitchy," Kisaki started. "I didn't wanna know when Taiju would be alone, just so we could attack him."

"Huh?" Takemitchy and you said in unison.

"You said Hakkai was gonna kill Taiju, didn't you? When do you think he'd do that?"

"Hakkai said that...?" You asked. Chifuyu nodded.

"Oh, on Christmas Night!" Takemitchy exclaimed. 

"This way, you can stop Hakkai, right?" Kisaki said. 

"Kisaki... you went through all this trouble?" Takemitchy said quietly.

"What's so wrong with helping a teammate?"

You looked over at him, studying his face. It was sincere, but you still didn't believe his words. 

I'm not gonna let Baji die in vain.

"The four of us, five if Y/N decides to join will stop Hakkai, and defeat Taiju." Kisaki asks.

"Christmas Night is when we'll have our decisive battle in secret. There's also something I've been thinking about." There was a cold pause. "Mikey's not gonna last much longer. It doesn't look like it, but Baji's death is dragging him down-"

"But you're the one who killed-"

"CHIFUYU!" You yelled, covering his mouth.

"At this rate, Touman is gonna dissolve, so we have to support Mikey."

"We don't have to join up with you to do that! Right Takemitchy?" Chifuyu exclaimed. There was another silence on Takemitchy's end. 

"We're gonna operate without anyone else in Touman knowing. Not using any men from the third or sixth divisions either. That's why we need you guys. Takemitchy. I hate to waste time, so I expect answer from you by tomorrow. Same with you Y/N." Kisaki says, leaving the room with Hanma following closely behind. 

"See you soon darling~" He said, leaving you with a smile plastered on his face. 

You followed the two boys onto the busy street. 

"We don't have to join forces with Kisaki, Takemitchy! The three of us can do it! Y/N is strong! We can support her and defeat him!"

"Can we really though?" Takemitchy says quietly

Chifuyu whispered something into Takemitchy's ear quietly. 

"Yes. I know!" Takemitchy's outburst caught you by surprise. "But we can't kill Kisaki. What we really need to do is get Kisaki out of Touman. And we gotta stop Hakkai from killing Taiju."

"I can kill Kisaki for you." You said calmly.

The boys just stared at you with wide eyes. "We're not gonna let you do that. No one is killing anyone." Takemitchy strongly stated, taking you aback.

"I don't wanna join forces with Kisaki either. But if we do, we can learn something about him. We could find out how to get him kicked out of the gang." Takemitchy exclaimed.

"Baji would want that." You said quietly. 

"Ahhh, geez. Got no luck with the ladies this Christmas again." Chifuyu said sadly.

"Pfft, man that sucks," You said laughing. 

"You're both lucky as fuck, you know that?" Chifuyu said. 

"Thanks Chifuyu!" Takemitchy yelled. 

"We'll work with you guys until Christmas is over," Takemitchy said. 

"A wise judgement. That really helps me out!" Kisaki stated. 

"Tch," You clicked your tongue. 

"Aww Y/N, don't be like that~" Hanma said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You elbowed him in the stomach. 

"Don't touch me. We aren't that close anyways." You said, giving him the cold shoulder.

"Noo, we're teammates now, so we're close enough~"

"Geez, there's no winning with you is there?"


"This is one crooked team." Kisaki sighs.

"Our goal's the only thing we have in common."  Takemitchy states.

"I can't fuckin' stand you two." Chifuyu says, turning his head away from Hanma. 

"What's our team name gonna be? The Hanma's?"

"Ew, that's so lame!" You said, pretending to puke.

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