Chapter 7

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I heard the sound of the alarm ding which woke me up, I picked up my phone and checked the time it was almost 5am. I kissed Marco's head then I got out of bed and went downstairs.

"Shit!" I heard I followed the sounds into the kitchen to see Antonio drinking a beer

"It's a little late for that isn't it?" I said leaning against the doorframe and he sighed

"Oh God I meant to call you back. Things that got out of control." He said as he started pacing

"Tony what happened?" I asked walking over, he stopped and looked at me

"Asher Roslin was murdered tonight."

"Oh my God are you ok? What happened?" I asked checking him over I can't handle him getting shot again

"I'm fine. I stopped to buy him some cigarettes by the time I came out the of the gas station somebody shot him."

"Jesus, where was his wife?"

"They got into a fight, he had me leave her at the club."

"So what's happening from here? Are you guys working this?"

"Yeah that's what Voight said, I have to meet with my FOP rep in the morning... Well in a few hours."

"Wait they can't suspend you for this can they?"

"I don't know!" He said slamming his hands on the counter

"Calm down, whatever happens you know I'm with you. look I'll call in we can drop Marco with your parents so I can go to this meeting with you." I said and he shook my head

I can't ask you to do that."

"You not but I'm going, for better or worse remember?" I said rubbing his cheek, he hugged me, I wrapped my arms around him and kept telling him it was going to be ok

We walked into the precinct after dropping marco off

"When Roman gets in send him upstairs." Antonio said to Platt

"Please is such a nice word."

"Just send him upstairs!" He said typing his code for the gate, and we walked upstairs where Voight was waiting with a guy in a suit. No one else was here just yet

"Ed." Antonio shook his hand

"This is my wife Alayna." He introduced me I shook his hand

"Nice to meet you, I wish it was under better circumstances."

"I agree."

"We can talk in my office." Voight said

Voight and I took a seat as Antonio stood over the chair next to mine

"Relax." I said to him he nodded but I could tell he wasn't listening

"So the cameras have Antonio in the store buying cigarettes and we have a cab driver who also saw him and the clerk."

"Well that clears him from the criminal case but the internal one is a little more complicated."

"The internal one? He didn't even fire a shot." I said

"I know but Asher Roslin had priors in Antwerp, and London for buying stolen diamonds." He said and Antonio stood up straight

"This is news to me." He said

"So what does this mean?" I asked and Ed sighed then he looked at Antonio

"Remember Bill Deets from the 26th? He was fired for fraternizing with a felon. You were on the clock for one." He said and I closed my eyes I didn't think they would try to take it this far

"Are you helping me here? This doesn't sound like you helping me." Antonio said stepping towards him

"Whoa, whoa calm down." Voight said to him

"How do we turn this around?" Voight asked

"As your FOP rep I can give you two days before this goes to the ivory tower. Once it's there it's out of my hands, your best option is to solve this and spin it,"

"And if we don't?" Antonio asked

"Best case leave without pay." He said and Antonio started pacing again

"Worse case you lose your job and your pension."

"I have a family! Three kids and a house with a mortgage!" He said putting his hands on his head I stood up

"It's going to be ok." I said trying to stay positive

"I'm sorry that's all I got. Now I got to go." Ed said then picked up his briefcase and walked out of Hank's office

"Antonio if I knew you guys needed the money I would have given you OT,"

"That's one of the ten things I would have done differently, but we're fine I was pushing to buy that damn gym!" He said


"Stop your heart was in the right place. Where Roman? Why didn't he run a background check on this guy." I asked

"I don't know but we're going to figure this out." Voight said

"I need a minute." He said then walked out leaving Voight and I in his office. I sat down and took a deep breath I felt a hand on my shoulder

"He's going to be ok."

"I didn't think it would end up this bad, he just wanted to keep the youth boxing league open he said it saved his life."

"I understand that gym helped a lot of kids stay off the streets. Why don't you go on home and we're going to handle this. I'm not going to let him go out like that." He said and I heard a knock there was Al

"I'm going to check on him then I'm going to go." I said getting up and he hugged me

"Trust me." He said and I nodded, while his methods were shady he took care of his team, and that's what I always liked about him. I gave Al a quick hug then I walked out of the office, everyone was at their desks

"Hey mama." Erin said giving me a hug

"Hey." I said softly

"Don't worry we're going to find out who did this. He's in the breakroom." She said pointing towards the closed door. I said hi to everyone else then I walked in to see Antonio pacing, he stopped when he saw me

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's not your fault." I said

"We just got married and now I might lose my job."

"Your not going to lose your job. You're apart of the best unit in the city and you guys are going to solve this ok. Even if worst comes worst I'm not going anywhere, we're a family and I love you."

"I love you too." He said and I held his face in my hands

"I'm going to go home, I'm off today, and Marco is going to stay with your mom for a while. My phone will be on call me anytime and I'll answer." I said then kissed him, there was a knock and Nadia poked her head in

"Layla Roslin is on her way up." She said

"Get her." I said to him 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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