7: Prongs' Pursuit of the Lovely Miss Evans

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"Poor Mary," Marlene sighed, "Does she look mad?"

"She's taking it surprisingly well." Remus noted, fighting back a smile once more, "She almost looks like she's amused."

"I mean," Marlene shrugged against him, "she had to know that James is mad for Lily."

"And that Sirius is mad for you," Remus added watching Sirius spin Lily around into a tango despite the music. Their eyes were sparkling with laughter but he suspected to James they would look smitten.

"Sirius is just mad," Marlene tugged herself free and Remus gratefully relinquished his hold. She had replaced her grin with a blank expression, one that would befit a girl trying to hide devastation.

"Can't argue with that," Remus agreed drily as Sirius maneuvered into a striking end pose as the music came to a halt.

Still beaming, Sirius tugged Lily over to join Remus and Marlene, looping a casual arm around Lily's waist as they walked. Peter appeared on Remus's left, a glass of punch and a cookie in hand.

"Watcher Moony, Wormtail." Sirius beamed and Remus rolled his eyes.

Marlene coughed pointedly, "Aren't you supposed to be terrified of my reaction right now, or something?"

Lily pinched Sirius's arm, "I told you she'd say that!"

Sirius rolled his eyes at her, "And like I told you, I've been told that I'm rubbish with girls. It would be out of character for me not to make an arse of myself at this juncture."

"Never thought I'd see the day when Sirius made a good point," Remus sighed.

"It's to do with a prank, Remus," Sirius responded immediately, "Don't go getting your day to day hopes up."

Remus couldn't help a laugh, "I'd never."

Marlene was maintaining a glare at Sirius, but Remus could see her eyes crinkling in buried mirth. Lily didn't miss it either.

"I don't think you're going to be able to shout at him without breaking," Lily bit her lip, "Sirius might have miscalculated."

"There go my hopes," Remus sighed heavily.

"No worries," Marlene said, voice strained, "I have a better idea." And then, as quick as a snake, she reached out and slapped Sirius across the face with the palm of her hand.

"Wha-" Remus started, but Marlene had already wheeled on Lily who looked dumbstruck.

"Best first date ever," Marlene hissed, eyes glaring, before spinning on her heel and running out of the hall.

"Bloody hell," Remus whistled.

"I'm going to marry that girl," Sirius's eyes were bright, one hand on his red cheek.

Lily shook her head slowly, "Yeah, we really would never work out in real life."

"As if you haven't slapped James before," Sirius said without taking his eyes off of the doors Marlene had run out of.

Seeming to have no retort, Lily turned to Remus, "If this were real life, and not this delusion" she said slowly, "Which of us would be expected to run after her?"

"I can do it," Peter said from Remus's elbow, "I'm generally friendly, Marlene and I are Charms partners, and Remus needs to stay here."

"Why?" Lily asked bemused, looking at Remus, "Does he have a secret weapon?"

Peter nodded, "He's the only one aside from James that can keep Sirius from lodging his foot up his bum."

"Why would we need-," Lily began, but was interrupted.

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