꒷꒦ Welcome ꒦꒷

Start from the beginning

꒷꒦ Goes by Kaden

꒷꒦ Aliases include Kadenfumblebottom and Jokerkid5898

꒷꒦ Born may 8th, 1998 

꒷꒦ Has 518K on YouTube

꒷꒦ Mostly post roblox youtube videos


꒷꒦ Goes by Jamie [ NOT HIS REAL NAME ]

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꒷꒦ Goes by Jamie [ NOT HIS REAL NAME ]

꒷꒦ Aliases includes Temprist, and lemon7squeez 

꒷꒦ 19, March 19 2002 

 ꒷꒦ Has 464K on YouTube

꒷꒦ Mostly makes Roblox Youtube videos on his channel and with albert!


꒷꒦ Goes by Paige

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꒷꒦ Goes by Paige

꒷꒦ ailases include turnthepaige and turnthepge

꒷꒦ 24, born may 23rd 1997 

꒷꒦ mostly edits videos for flamingo 


꒷꒦ goes by dani

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꒷꒦ goes by dani

꒷꒦ aliases include polarcubs 

꒷꒦ 20, born june 2nd 2000

꒷꒦ Mostly makes thumbnails for flamingo and creates ugc on roblox


꒷꒦ Goes by Kirsten

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꒷꒦ Goes by Kirsten

꒷꒦ aliases include Foxkirsten, and Foxxkirsten

꒷꒦ 23, Born July 8th 1998

꒷꒦ Makes vlogs, roblox videos and tik tok videos

˚ Disclaimers ˚

˚This book has NO smut at all! I think that sexualizing a person without consent from them is disrespectful and unacceptable! I also am uncomfortable with the idea of writing smut so if you came here for that please go because I will probably never write smut unless you still wanna read the book i don't mind just please don't ask me to write smut! <3 

˚If any one is not comfortable with being a fanfic or just being in this book I will being taking it down as soon as possible!

˚This book does contain a few mature subjects such as panic attacks, physical and mental abuse, and a little of screaming and/or fighting! Don't worry I will put trigger warnings when needed! 

˚ Authors boundaries ˚

˚If you need to use my name just say Kai! Also my pronouns change because I'm genderfluid so if you need my pronouns just use they/them or they/her! <3

˚Please don't ask me to update unless I haven't updated in a while, I tend to forget about updating sometimes and I sometimes need a reminder but I have to not update for about 2-3 weeks! 

Thanks you for reading and I hope you enjoy! </3


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