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Hi, hello and welcome to my first English work on Wattpad!

This work is a translation of an one shot written in German first. I tried my best to translate it and still convey all the feelings and atmospheres from the original version. English is not my first language, I hope there aren't too many mistakes! (Different comma placements, tenses, typos in general... Pretty sure I messed up some things.) You can also read the German version here on Wattpad, feel free to check it out!

Disclaimer and quite self-explanatory: SPOILER ALERT, if you haven't seen the series or haven't seen it completely yet. There are also a few background informations about Chishiya which weren't mention in the series yet. I changed a few things and didn't stick to the plot of the manga completely as well, because I've only read the series after the os was already finished.

In the end, the one shot was triggererd by a few questions. For example, I've always asked myself: How the heck did Chishiya got the blood stains out of his jacket, which got stained in episode 2? Does he have several ones, because he always wears the same one? Did he wash it? Did he throw it away? If not, what crazy detergent does he own? Who got the idea to build a flamethrower? A tiny question and a tiny one shot was born. :D

Well then, enjoy!

"Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun" (English)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora