Seeing the dwarfs again

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"Hey y/n do you remember the dwarfs,"snow says. "Umm yes no I kinda don't remember,"i say to snow. "I think we could listen to music once you see them again also I made you a room to stay in while you stay for the year,"snow say. "Oh ok,"i says to snow.

"Ok dwarfs living room now,"snow yells. "Yes snow,"all the dwarfs say. "Ok now I remember,"I say to snow. "Do you remember your favorite dwarf,"snow says to me. "I think so he was kinda of classy I don't remember the name,"I say to snow. "Oh you mean deco,"snow says to me. "Oh yeah that's him where is he I love to see him again the classy dwarf he was my favorite,"I say to snow. "Oh deco come here it's Y/n the one you played dress up with until she moved away,"snow says. "Yeah come here,"I say to deco as I hug him I get an idea. "Oh snow I know what we should do first let's play dress up,"I say to snow. "Yeah nice thinking,"deco says. "Thanks deco also snow you don't happen to have a spinning wheel do you,"I say to deco then snow. ""Yes but we hide it,"snow says. "Oh good I don't want to sleep,"I say to snow.

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