Chapter Fifty-Nine

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She laughed lightly, tears brimming her eyes as she shook her head.

"I was assaulted by your sister and that's all you have to say for yourself?" she questioned as hot tears began to stream down her face.

I shook my head, letting go of her wrists as I wiped her tears. My heart broke at the sight of her, I realized just how royally I had screwed up. I had put everything I worked for in jeopardy. Asgard was in ruins after I had arrived for years to make it a glittering empire. My five year old daughter was now a refugee with no home and no guarantee of safety. And lastly, I had allowed my wife, the only person left who believed in me, to be beat, raped, and tortured. I had failed as a father. But I had failed even more as a husband. I had vowed so many years ago to keep Sigyn safe, assuring her father on our wedding day that she would never want or fear ever again. But here was my bride, afraid and desperate for safety. All that I had promised her was a lie.

"Won't you say something?" she begged, her voice shrill as she cried.

"I am so sorry I didn't give you the life you deserve," I said softly, tucking her hair gently behind her ear, "You deserved to be loved and taken care of, not abandoned and hurt. I should have been there for you and for Hela. I have no excuse for the way I betrayed your trust and belief in me. I never wanted to hurt you, please know that even in my failure I never intended for you to be harmed like you have. I can't ask for your forgiveness. Frankly, I don't deserve it. But, Sigyn, I swear to you that for the rest of my days nothing but you and Hela will ever be my priority. You are the only reason I stand here today, I owe you everything. God, I'm so so so sorry...all I wanted was for you to be happy."

Sigyn stammered for a moment, her brows furrowed as she looked up at me with tears streaming heavily down her cheeks. She did nothing but hug me, holding herself tight to me. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around her and whispered I'm sorry over and over again. I could've stayed there for hours, comforting her and recounting every mistake I had made. But, as a shot of lightning lit up the vault I knew our clock was ticking. She knew it to, pulling away from me and beginning the incantation on the skull.

Joining hands, we recited in unison, "With the eternal flame, you are reborn."

The fire crackled as the skull began to glow. We shared a glance and she gave me a nod to signify it was time to go. I took Sigyn's hand, pulling her away from the fire and out of the vault. The floor shook beneath us as we ran back to the commodore. I gripped her hand tightly, weaving through the falling rubble and demolished columns.

As we ran, suddenly, Sigyn let go. I immediately stopped in my tracks and turned around. Amongst the rubble Sigyn stood, hunched over and still. Her head was hung low and her long blonde hair completely covered her face.

Behind her, a rogue Butcher stood with a crossbow. Swiftly, I hurled a dagger at the solider, promptly taking him down.

"Sigyn, what's wrong?" I asked, quickly coming to her aid once the Butcher had been taken care of.

Sigyn looked up at me, her eyes full of panic. I quickly took her into my arms as she gasped for air. Holding her, I soon realized a large arrow had been shot straight through her and now impaled her torso. She shook with fear, unable speak and barely able to breath and blood soaked her gown. Streaks of crimson red fluid began to escape from the corners of her mouth as her eyes searched mine.

"Loki," she squeaked blinking rapidly.

I had no time to think but only began to run. I held Sigyn tightly in my arms, being mindful of the god forsaken arrow that had pierced her. I wasted no time sprinting through the palace. Hastily, I boarded the commodore and gently placed Sigyn down on one of the beds. My arms and hands were soaked with blood and Sigyn was struggling to stay awake, she could barely focus on me as I tried to speak to her.

"Sigyn, darling," I said, quickly preparing the ship for take off, "Focus on my voice, alright? Tell me about Hela, dear, how's she been?"

"F-fine," she managed, dazed beyond belief but still alive.

I knew that if I kept her talking long enough to get to the escape vessel and find a medic, everything would be alright. Sigyn loved to talk about Hela, there was no doubt in my mind that this was the way to keep her going.

"Fine?" I asked, flipping on the switch to start the engine, "Tell me more, Sigyn. Tell me more about our Hela."

"She can...she can...cast," Sigyn stammered, her voice soft and strained by the blood caught in her throat.

"Can she? What kinds of illusions?" I asked, pulling the thrusters towards me as we began to lift off.

"A b-bunny," she replied as the Commodore lifted up and into the air.

"Has she grown since I've been gone?" I continued, driving the ship forward. I could see the ark just before us, with Asgard now in complete flames, I now had to simply fly forward and we'd both be safe. I drove the ship as fast as I could, evading falling buildings as I zoomed towards my target.

"Sigyn," I called, "Come on, dear, how's Hela?"

The commodore strained under the tremendous force, if I could keep at this speed we'd be with the rest of Asgard in no time.

"Sigyn," I repeated, glancing back over my shoulder.

My face paled immediately. In one hand, Sigyn held the arrow. She had pulled it out of her abdomen and now laid in a limp heap, covered in her own blood.

I sent our flare signals, hoping the Ark would see the commodore flying after it. Apparently, they saw the signals almost immediately as the opened the landing bay. Swiftly and chaotically. I landed the Commodore upon the Ark. I opened the doors of the ship and immediately went to Sigyn. Her eyes were fluttering but were completely glassy as I picked her up.

"HELP!" I screamed out as I exited the Commodore, "HELP ME, SHE'S DYING!"

Loki and Sigyn, His Glorious PurposeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora