Holding Hands

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#1 Holding Hands

For all I care all I want to do is to write and write to my kokoro's content.

-Line break-

We are not partners, nor colleagues, nor comrades.
Nor close enough to be called friends,
Nor anything like lovers,
We’re simply in the same position in different organizations.
Nevertheless, whenever something occurs,
We would call each other like this.

This relationship,
How should I describe it?

-Line break-

She starts the day with a few cups of water and a good long bath. It sure is nice to use different bath salts on this time of the year; it sways the stress away, sometimes even better when she try to rant everything to him. Sighing, she opened the window that revealed Domyouji and Hidaka joking around with each other while Goto is just standing there quietly watching the both of them. She greets the three of them a 'Good Morning' and so they returned it back while looking a bit stiffly.

She wonder if she had done something wrong? She didn't think of it at all – all she did was greet them right? And now, she's on a very good mood unlike the usual. She wouldn't let anything else bother her for the day, as it's her day-off. Finally a day-off. Slightly hoping that she wouldn't be called out of the blue for the day, she steps in front of a mirror to check if she's all set.

Something fascinating now crossed her mind, what if she tries dropping by her Captain's office before she get out of the dorms? Maybe she should give that a try, to check if he was also eating his food or had left it untouched on the left side of his work desk while solving the enormous puzzle he's absorbed with.

As soon as she had thought of that idea, she found herself standing outside the Captain's dorm room, in her sleeping wear. Pajamas, though, she does mind the looks she's getting from the others as she ran to where she is now.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

She waited for a few moments but never got any ushers from the inside, could it be that the Captain is asleep right now? She tried and knocked again, this time she heard Fushimi's voice from inside. Did they stay up late and did not plan to sleep again?

Awashima reached for the door knob, revealing a somewhat sleeping Fushimi Saruhiko on the tatami mats beside Captain who had a cup on his hand. She could swear that Captain's room smell like liquor, could it be that they both drink until they pass out last night?

She let out an aggravated sigh and went to the both of them to fix their positions. It's not like she did not feel angry with Fushimi nor Captain for doing such thing, it's just that she knows their reasons too well and could tolerate it. They were still and (hopefully not) forever mourning to the death of Suoh Mikoto. She guesses for Fushimi-kun, he couldn't just really stand the look painted all over Yata Misaki's face whenever they come across each other on field missions.

She takes a final look at the them before leaving the premises for some sort of appointment with a certain bartender.

-Line break-

Sunny. Why did it have to be sunny, she thought, apparently hiding herself from the sun by staying on a shed. This place was supposed to be their meeting area, though, she cannot even find a glimpse of his hair nor clothes in the crowd.

How dare that man make her wait like this? It's burning like hell outside. Maybe she should've brought an umbrella or had wait 'til the sun turn.

She took a glance at her watch, it's 2 o'clock for goodness sake! 10 long minutes had passed and he had not set his foot on this place, where in the world is he? She opens her bag and was about to call him though someone had greeted her from behind.

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