Chapter 4.

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Atsumu's POV

I woke up to a bright light shinning threw my window. I got up and saw Omi sleeping of the futon, he looked so comfy. I quickly snuck around him and went to the kitchen. I decided on making pancakes and bacon, when I was almost done making breakfast I heard my door open, then close.

"Morning Atsu" Omi grumbled out.

"Good morning Omi-Omi, how was yer sleep" I smiled at him while he walked towards me sitting down at the island.

"It was alright, your futon was quite comfy" He laid his head on his hands looking at me.

"That's good! I'm glad ya where comfortable. I hope ya like bacon and pancakes, if ya don't I can make ya something else" I started flipping the bacon.

"Hmm, its alright I like bacon and pancakes. Everything you make is good anyways" I felt my face heat up and I smiled at him.

"Thanks Omi-Kun" 

I continued cookie and the kitchen feel into a comfortable silence.I couldn't help but feel safe in his presence, It was quiet but not lonely. I finish breakfast and started setting the table. I went to the fridge and grabbed some strawberries, cut them up, and placing them on the table next the the pancakes. I also grabbed Nutella, whipped cream, butter, and syrup.

"Is there anything ya would like to drink Omi-Kun?" I asked turning towards him.

"Do you have any milk?"

"Yes of course, do ya was normal, strawberry, or chocolate?"

"Just normal milk please"

"Alright!" I turned away from him grabbing two glaces, I filled one with normal milk and the other with strawberry milk. I put both glaces on the table next to the plates.

"Alright Omi, breakfast is server!" I smiled at him, as his eyes lit up.

He got up and walked to the table looking at all the food with stars in his eyes. I blushed a bit and sat down starting to dish up.

Sakusa's POV

I looked at all the food, it all looked so good I didn't know where to start. I grabbed two pancakes, I put butter and syrup on the first one, I looked up and saw Atsumu putting Nutella, whipped cream and strawberries on his pancakes. I decided to try that on mine to, I took 3 pieces of bacon and started eating.

We ate in silence until I spoke up.

"This is really good Atsu, you should teach me how to cook or bake sometime" I looked up at him, his eyes sparkled at me.

"Thanks Omi-Kun, that sounds really fun! maybe the next time we hang out!" 

Next time, that means he wanted to hang out with me again.

"Haha ok, did you enjoy yesterday?" I asked hoping he had fun.

"Yeah! It was really fun, and the cafe was really good!" he smiled at me, I felt my cheeks heat up and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Ya have a really beautiful smile y'know" He said out of nowhere.

" Oh ha thank you" I scratched the back of my neck at the compliment. "Yours to Atsu"

He blushed when I said that. 

"Heh thanks Omi-Omi" 

We finished our food and got up. Atsumu insisted on watching a movie.

"We should watch lady and tramp!" He exclaimed

"Haha ok" 

During the movie his head was on my shoulder and my arm was wrapped around his waist. When the movie ended I looked over to see Atsumu crying?!

"Hey, hey Atsu whats wrong" I was extremely worried.

"That was a beautiful work of art, that was the best movie I've seen in my entire life" he sniffled

"BAHAHAHA, why are you crying over that"I burst of laughing.

"HAHAHA OMI OMI I CAN"T HELP IT, IT WAS SO GOOD" He said laughing his ass of.

We spent to day together, eventually Osamu got home and I ate dinner at their house and all three of watched another movie. When the movie ended I had to leave.

"Bye Omi-Kun have a safe drive home!" Atsumu yelled waving me off at the door.

"Ok I will I'll text you when I get home!" I waved back at him.

"Alright thanks Omi-Omi see ya later"

"Bye Atsu"

Atsumu's POV

I when he drove off I went back inside to see Osamu looking at me with a smirk.

"Someones got a crush" he said while crossing his arms.

"Oh um maybe a little haha" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"I'm happy for ya Tsumu" Osamu gave me a genuine smile.

After that I went into my room, I looked at my phone to see a message from Omi.

"Hey Atsu I made it home, thanks for today and yesterday I had a lot of fun"

"Hey Omi Omi I had a lot of fun to, want to hang out later in the week?"

"Sure sounds fun"

"Wanna video chat for awhile?"

"Alright I'll video chat you after I'm done getting ready for bed, call you in 30 minutes Atsu"

"Haha alright omi, if i don't anwser im in the shower"

"Ok see you"

"Bye bye"

Third person POV

That night Atsumu and Sakusa talked till 10 pm and fell asleep on call together.

(823 words)

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


I'm trying to post a new chapter every day

Thank you so much for all the reads on this story!

Anygayzz i hope you have a good morning, evening, or afternoon


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