Swaying, drunk, and heavily breathing.

I love you... I'm sorry I left you.. but what can I do? You cant remember me.

Hyunjin finally fall on his knees before completely sitting on the roadside. He look up on the sky with long sigh. His eyes are blurry with tears...

I love you, I really love you...

Hyunjin end up sobbing like a souless person, like there's rain drop on top of his head but he is dry.



I know this is weird, even I myself cant understand what my heart said. Why do I even bother to be here? Where I'm not even into nightclubs or something like this.

Yes, I was standing in front of nightclub. I can already heard the chaos inside the club.

Sigh... What am I doing now?

With that I left. Walking down the road to find a parking lot, where I put my car.

Its a bit dark here, but there's still a few lights that can show me the way. I'm peacefully walking while humming a song in my mind until I heard something.

I love you, really love you...

I turn around.

"Who's that?" What the frack... No one is here, then who is talking to me just now?

I left you... Sorry...

Oh my god! Who the hecking heck is that??!! Its not my own voice... I swear...!

And thats when I saw a guy sitting on a road, he doesnt seems fine... Like something bad happens to him.

Just like a wind, my feet lightly walk towards him. I... I dont know.. I think I need to help him out.

The more I get near him, the more faster my heartbeats are. And finally without realizing, I poke his shoulder.

Damn, I did what now?

The guy turn to me looking so surprised. His face is so red and his eyes are swollen.

He is... Crying?

Wait, this is the same guy I met at the office earlier! Yeah.. this guy!!

He stood up and give me a soft stare. I dont know why but.. this feel familiar.

"Why are you here, huh? Missing me?" He asked, all smiling at me.

Heck? Why do I need to miss you?

This guy must be crazy or drunk.. well look at how he stand up.. not normal at all. I better leave now.

I walk away, didnt want to get involve in anything dangerous.

But wait, what if that guy suddenly gets into trouble and hurt himself in that state? He's drunk... Anything can happen to him.

Gosh!!! Felix just go home- no... I need to help him.

I turn around and yes... As expected, he is already lying on the floor.

"Now what?" Like something forced me, I run towards him.

"Sir, wake up!" I shake his body hard, but his eyes are already shutting closed as close as possible.

No! Dont die yet!! Please...

"Yah... Wake up! Please wake up..."

Wait, why did I'm the one who panicked now? He's just drunk not dying...

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