"Good." Eloise took a long breath before finally saying, "The Queen has tasked me with uncovering Lady Whistledown's identity. I am attending tonight's concert so that I can report to her." 

"You mean you've found who she is?" Abigail didn't bother to hide the shock from her voice. 

"Not quite, but I do know she is a tradesperson." 

"I see..." 

Eloise took a moment, gauging Abby's reaction, before continuing. 

"Now that you know this... you won't report me to mama?"

Abigail snorted. 

"What do you think I am, a tattletale? No this is fairly harmless so I don't see a need to tell anyone. Although I hope when you nail down her identity I will be one of the few to know." 

"So you think I can do this?" Eloise sounded in disbelief.

"I think if anyone can, it's you." She simply shrugged as if this was an obvious conclusion. "Now, with that out of the way, how on earth are you going to stand four hours in the midst of a gossiping, inebriated ton?" 

Abby moved to the mirror and opened the tin Eloise gave her to apply some of the paste to her lips. 

"Four hours? Be serious." 

Abby held a glint in her eye as she turned back around.

"Oh I am... which is why we're going to need a plan to keep you sane."


Downstairs, Anthony cautiously entered his study, where Colin stood over a table, adding to his maps.

"Missing the concert?" He announced his arrival. 

"Indeed. I'm not exactly in the mood for music and finery this evening." Colin explained, then simply bent his head back over his work.

Anthony said nothing, but simply poured his brother a drink and stalled saying the words he knew he had to. 

Extending the drink to Colin he finally said, "I want to apologize." 

The younger took the drink, eyeing his brother suspiciously.

"Are there locusts in the streets? Blood in the Thames? Are the end of days upon us already." 

Anthony sighed in exasperation, but nevertheless was happy Colin was willing to joke with him. 

"I may have been a trifle harsh with you." He admitted. 

"And is Abigail the only reason you've come to this conclusion?"

"She may have helped me see what it might have been like in your shoes. And I'm now sorry for the way I have acted." 

"You merely wished to protect me from my more... foolish impulses." He cast his eyes down to his drink.

"So you admit it now? You were acting a fool?"

"As apologies go, this is certainly novel." 

"Hush, you." 

Only Hope | Anthony Bridgeton Where stories live. Discover now