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"Okay, truth or dare Ranboo?" Tubbo Asked leaning on his hands.


"What's something you've never told anyone?"


"I dare you to tell me something you've never told anyone."

"Why did I agree to this. I guess something I've never told anyone is that sometimes I purr in my sleep sometimes. It's so embarrassing." Tubbo's eyes lit up.

"So your like a cat?!" Ranboo's face burst into blush and he hid it in his hands.

"Please stop."

"Okay meow meow."


"Okay Boo, Your turn."

"Truth or dare."

"Truth." Ranboo thought for a second.

"What's the coolest thing you've ever seen?" Tubbo went silent.

"Ummm. I think the coolest thing I've ever seen was Sapnap's fire demon form or Bad! He grew like super tall when Schlatt attacked. It was so cool!" The door opened and Tommy walked in. It'd been two days since he'd been rescued. Everyone had been on edge since then.

"Ello! What are you guys doing?"

"Playing truth or dare!" Tubbo answered excitedly.

"Oh cool. Anyway Dadza want's to talk to all of us downstairs." They all walked out and downstairs.

"Hey guys." Techno said as they sat down.

"So I wanted to address something." Phil folded his hands in lap. "We're moving. There's a house by your guys old school that we're moving too. Well one, you guys need to finish school. And two the rents cheaper then this house. We're moving in three days so pack everything up okay?"

"Wha-" Tommy threw his hands up in the air. Wilbur and Techno walked upstairs. Tommy stormed after them. Tubbo and Ranboo followed shortly after.

Ranboo stuffed all his clothes and items into a suitcase and backpack.

Finish school? We barley learned anything that one year.

Well, I guess it makes sense. But I also have to talk to random people. That's social anxiety right there.

Whatever. I need to learn to be social anyway.

Maybe I'll make some friends.

Ranboo smiled softly and laid down on his bed.

Hopefully I'll make some friends.

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