last of the true believers* (billie x reader)

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warnings: nsfw, praise kink

You checked over the handwritten list once more, making sure it was complete before folding the paper and shoving it into the back pocket of your jeans. A feeling of uneasiness washed over you as you stepped out of your car, but you were unable to pinpoint it so you just pushed it to the back of your mind and carried on with your routine.

Once inside the grocery store, you absentmindedly pushed the cart around until you reached the back of the building. You tended to shop in an organized fashion, starting at the back of the store and working your way up to the front. It was the easiest way for you to ensure that you wouldn't miss anything on your list.

Passing the produce, you caught a glimpse of familiar hair and stared for a moment before realizing it was a woman you had gone on a failed date with a few weeks before. She had been too into you, something that slightly scared you after only knowing her for a week. You let her know that you weren't really interested in a relationship and had successfully avoided her until this moment. Sometimes, you really hated living in a small town. You rushed off, hoping you went by unnoticed and tried to continue on with your trip. Clearly, this was the reason for the uneasiness you had felt prior to entering the store. You were able to brush it off and try to relax and enjoy the rest of your grocery shopping.

After twenty minutes, you had successfully gathered nearly everything on your list, save for a few items that were closer toward the front of the store. You passed the alcohol aisle and decided to go down it, joking that you could never have too much wine in your house. Scanning the selection, a grin grew on your face as you spotted your favorite bottle and started to reach out to grab it when another hand brushed yours. You immediately pulled back, turning to apologize to the other person when you stopped dead in your tracks.

"Billie," you whispered.

The honey blonde turned her head to face you and you noticed how her eyes widened when they met yours. "Y/N, hi."

You shifted awkwardly, leaning your weight into the shopping cart in front of you. The realization hit you that this was what caused the uneasy feeling, not seeing Jessica or whatever her name was. Something out in the universe was warning you that you would run into your high school sweetheart that you hadn't seen since she left for college.

"I didn't know you were in town," you commented, glancing down at your hands. You were nervous to speak to Billie despite the fact that there was a point in your life when she was the only person who knew you completely. Part of you wondered if it was because you were trying to protect yourself from being hurt again, even though you were sure Billie had changed drastically since you were both eighteen.

"It's just two weeks. My mom's selling her house so I came to help her pack," Billie nodded, biting her lip as she stared into your eyes.

When you met Billie's gaze, you felt eighteen again. You were staring into those same exact eyes you had stared into for four years, the only part of her that had not changed since you had last seen her. Those warm, kind eyes that had a tendency of getting Billie whatever she had wanted from you. You were always willing to give her anything before she pleaded with wide eyes, but her puppy-dog eyes were the cutest thing you had ever seen.

"We should get lunch or something," you suggested, offering the woman in front of you a soft smile. "If you want to, of course," you added.

Billie nodded her head, letting out a small chuckle. Making you flustered had always been her favorite hobby. "I would love to. I'm free all afternoon," she offered.

You glanced at the watch around your wrist and calculated the time it would take you to check out and put away your groceries, including how long it was for Billie to do the same. You assumed she was staying at her mom's house while she was in town, the two had always been close. Her house was one street over from yours, in the same neighborhood as your parents' house. It had been how the two of you had met; when she moved to town during the summer before you started high school, your mom had made you take over a tray of cookies. Billie had answered the door and you were taken aback by how attractive you had found her. She invited you in for a few minutes that quickly turned to hours, and before you knew it you had a new best friend. It wasn't until a few months later that you had taken the risk and kissed her while she was sleeping over at your house and, to your surprise, she had kissed you back with equal passion.

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