Chapter 3: 2 Brothers?

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I stood directly in front of the statue of me. Why did I look different? Why was there a statue of me? What the hell is this place? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING

It felt like I was going to pass out again before I heard some people rushing to me. It was some men and women rushing towards me in guard uniforms and armor. "Hey! Come with us." one of the ladies said before two others grabbed my arms. I didn't know what the hell was happening. Why the hell are they dragging me away? "LET GO OF ME! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??" I started to resist but they kept dragging me to the entrance of the palace. I threw punches, kicks, I tried falling to the ground, and of course I kept yelling at them, but nothing worked!

Wilbur POV

I've been in my office for hours. Just signing papers and reading articles of what's been going on in the city, just the usual. But it's less heavier than it was in previous years. Those years, I couldn't even make time to have dinner... or even say hello to Tommy. I miss him. He's been dead for almost- (let's say he died the same day c!Tommy died but when he was 15, so march) 2 years (but to be specific 1 year and 5 months) now. 

I closed my eyes as I imagine how it used to be with me, him, and Techno. We didn't get to spend much time together but it was still nice whenever we did anything together. 

Sometimes, Tommy would come to my room and watch me play my guitar. After Techno came, me and him would play both our instruments together, Tommy loved it. Tommy was learning piano at the time and was pretty well versed in it so we let him join a couple times. And then whenever we all had the chance we'd all go to the garden. We only went when we were all available, cause those were the only times it was fun.

I smile whenever I remember those times. Those memories give me such a warm feeling.

Suddenly, my thinking was interrupted by loud footsteps in the hallway outside my door. The door swings open and I flinch. "King!" It's a guard, and he's exhausted. "What is it?! Is something wrong?" What could've happened for a guard to run into my office unannounced so quick- "Prince Tommy... has been spotted outside the castle!" 


F$&(ing WHAT?!?!?

Techno POV

I'm running as quick as my feet can go. I was told that somehow the prince was in front of the castle, staring at his statue. No one would ever dare lie about the prince! Let alone something like this!

Right as I was nearing the entrance to the castle I saw the king, Wilbur, running as well. I ignored him whilst running. He wasn't the one who was randomly alive somehow.

When we got closer and closer we heard someone yelling. Why was there someone yelling in the castle? When me and Wilbur got to the castle's entrance we saw him. "Tommy..."

Tommy POV
couple minutes ago

They ended up pulling me inside the castle. At this point I struggled less but that didn't mean I still wasn't hard to deal with. Through the whole process of them dragging me they weren't rough with me at all,  they did what they needed to do without extra steps or taking it to far. I heard the doors open all the way in front of me and I stopped squirming and screaming. The people in front of me were Techno and Wilbur.


They're here with me too? But why? And what the hell are they wearing? 

The moment they saw me they started to run even faster at me. "Hey-" They made it to their destination, me, and the first thing they did was hug me? It felt kinda weird to be the one embraced in a hug, I've given and taken hugs but it was mostly from/to Tubbo and Michael. It's not like it's never happened though... people used to give me hugs but then they stopped once i either became their enemy or I wasn't open to them anymore. Even though I didn't like the people giving me this hug.... it felt nice.

"Tommy! Oh my god how- how- how are you here?" Huh? Why's Wil acting like this? Even though it was a legit question it wasn't meant to be answered. "Tommy..." That voice belongs to Techno. Why he's hugging me is the biggest question, it's nothing like him to give me of all people a hug. I stayed silent, I wanted to say something, but, I want this moment to last a little longer.


I went from hugging my oddly behaving brothers to a bed. How the hell- "Your awake." "AH!" It was Wilbur, he scared me. "Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you Tommy." "Were you- watching me sleep?!" He was right beside my bed when I fully opened my eyes. "Ummmmm" "What a creep." I heard Techno chime in. "Techno, we were just in the room while he was sleeping. That doesn't mean we were watching him!" "Umm" They're both looking at me. "What the hell is going on?"

This one's a little shorter than the other chapters
2 chapters in 1 day pog >:D
(897 words)

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