A New Year - Scorbus part 1

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1 year after. the cursed child 

Albus' POV

Albus Potter woke to the 6:00am alarm for his first day of 5th year classes in his slytherin dorm room. He sat up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes.

The alarm stopped beeping, signaling one of the other boys has already gotten out of bed. Albus had a good idea which one.

"Rise and shine, Al!" Scorpus called, pulling his friend's bed curtains open

"It's our first day of OWL classes!" Scorpius continued.

"Yay, another year of struggle and confusion. And this year, add the uncomfortableness of infamy." Albus said, explaining his predictions for the coming school year.

If last night was anything to go by, word of Albus and Scorpus' ordeal from a whole year ago was still being discussed. The atmosphere around the 2 boys is no different then when they came back that long time ago. 

In just a few days after the boys got back, every student had a different version of the story of what had happened and how poor Creg Bowker had died on the quidditch pitch that night.

Most everyone had heard of Delphi and believed it was her, the crazy witch in Azkaban, that had thrown the fatal curse, and not the lame 14 year old schoolboys. That didn't mean that no one found blame in them, though. Why were they with her? Why did they jump off the train? Were they working together, wanting to change the past with the time turner they heard about? 

Overall, the school thinks of the duo as attention seeking, trouble making, unsafe kids, wanting to outdo their fathers. They knew all of this because many of the other students, mostly the older Gryffindor boys, were more than vocal, and frighteningly close to physical at times about their opinions.

As the boys walked down to the dining hall, they had the usual experience of people stepping out of the way, stopping their conversations, throwing looks their way. Nothing new.

They sat down at their usual spot at the end of the table, trying their best to distract from the social issues with talk of their summers or the year to come. This led to Albus telling Scorpus that there was nothing to worry about with the OWLs, for scorp had studied all summer, and Al will have Scorp to keep his study schedule on track throughout the year.

They were startled out of their talk with a bush of red hair plopping down across from them. Rose Weasly has come over to the Slytherin table.

"Are you boys ready for this year?" she greeted them "Off to a better start, didn't fall off the train"

"Ha ha, Rose. you just used up your one joke for the day" Al said, using his running idea that got him through the summer with his family. One joke about Albus' traumatic experience per family member per day.

"Ya ya. How was your summer, Scorpus?" she asked, turning to the other boy.

Albus' best friend and his closest cousin have developed a loose friendship, after they had come to an understanding that Rose wasn't looking for a boyfriend right now, but she could always use a new friend. By the end of the school year, Scorpus had completely gotten over his 'crush' on Rose.

Before they knew it, they were joined by James and Lily, who have spent all summer trying to develop a better relationship with their brother.

"Hello, friendly snakes. How are things in the slytherin dungeon?" james asked in his usual abrupt greeting

"Just call it a dorm, James, and evreythings fine so far," Al replied.

Lilly sat down next to her brothers

"Great. And with last year's chaos out of the way, you two may even be able to make some other friends." she said

"Ya, and maybe even girlfriends while your at it" james joked

The only part of his new relationship with his older brother that Albus could live without is the jokes and comments about his lack of popularity, especially with the girls. James has been trying to assure Al that once everything from last year calms down, he'll be able to finally land himself a girlfriend or at least a date.

Albus hasn't had the heart to tell James or anyone else that he's been realizing that it might not be the girls he wants to be popular with. That he might want to go on that date with a nice boy. And definitely that the top contender and reason for this revelation was sitting right next to them. 

Because of this new topic, Albus felt the need to end this conversation

"James, I've told you, I don't want a girlfriend. Just because you had your first kiss at 14 doesn't mean I have to, even at 15. Or ever. Now, excuse me, I have to make a stop before class" he said, grabbing his bag and setting off towards the doors.

And of course Scorpus follows him

"Albus, you know he was joking right?" scorp says as soon as they are out of ear shot of the hall. "He doesn't mean anything by it. Its fine, neither of us have girlfriends" he continues

Albus carefully thinks through his reply. He would have to explain. "it's not that, it's just...lately i've been noticing things and thinking...i don't think it would be a girl.

"So you...prefer men?"

"yes, im gay. Congrats, you're the first person to hear those words out of my mouth. Of course it would be you"

"well, i think it's wonderful that you were able to say it, and ill always be here as your friend no matter who you fancy or date."

Of course Scorpus would say something sweet like that

He wouldn't be saying that if he knew who Al fancied, though.

"Who do you fancy, anyway? If you don't mind me asking."

Of course that would be the next question

"don't make me tell you that, Scorp." Albus said, deciding the blunt approach "This has been enough for one day." Al said turning away 

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