Seven: Prank Calling Senpai

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"No you're not, Konekochi. And until you are, I'm not letting you go!" He declares. I roll my eyes, doubting it.

Kise has moved us back to the sofa. He still hasn't let go of my frame.

He sits for about ten minutes, not letting me go, just to prove a point. I pout but I'm still crying. I thought that I would be able to face Nate! This puts a whole new spin on my summer plans to visit America. No way I could do that alone.

"Konekochi, why were you with someone like that?" Kise murmurs into my hair.

"It seemed right back then." I hiccup.

"Right? I never got the appeal of being with an asshole." The blond model complains.

"He was really sweet but slowly yet surely, he was catching the eyes of other girls. Girls that were in high school. Girls that could give him what he wanted." I explain, wiping my eyes.

"What a pig!" Kise scoff. "What did you do, Konekochi? "

"It killed me. But I still stayed with him. He was never a real boyfriend. He never took me out with the intention of being romantic in his mind. I was just something to tease. He would flirt and he would be on the verge of physical acts whether I was Koneko Ryoko or Okenok Ryou. Stupid hormones got to his head. That and his ego." I add, voice strained thanks to the tears. Why am I crying over him? Why can't I stop? I thought that I was above all of this! For God's sake!

"And you left?" Kise prompts.

"I was caught out first, remember? " I try to tease him but I just sound venomous.

"Did you really waste weeks crying over a prick like that? " I nod, wiping my puffy red eyes.

"My mum got tickets to your national tournament winning game to make me feel better. And to distract myself afterwards, I challenged Aomine Daiki!" I snort a laugh, feeling stupid.

"Oh Konekochi!" Kise's embrace tightens, almost like he's constricting me. "You looked so broken when you played Aominechi! I still have the video! I'll show you when you've stopped crying!

"Delete it, Kise!" I pout.

"I will if you stop crying!"

The blond goes on his phone and gets the video up, the memory is clearer than the recording.

~(^v^)~ Flashback ~(^v^)~

'Hi. Congratulations on a national championship. " I say, having followed the team from Teiko Middle school.

"Who are you?" The captain, Akashi Seijuro demands.

"Koneko Ryoko." I reply, eyes trained on their ace. I need a distraction.

"Anybody up for a one on one?" I offer.

"You've clearly just seen us win, yet you still want to play one on one nanodayo?" I am asked by my idol, Midorima Shintaro.

"Kyahh! You're like my idol!" I bounce on the balls of my feet.

"You really want to play one on one? Do you know who you're up against?" Aomine Daiki asks, brows raised.

"The Generation of Miracles, the real question is, would YOU know who you're playing?"

Nobody replies.

"I'm the Golden Bullet. Now, who wants to play one on one against a famous American. What about you, Aomine Daiki? Wanna go? I'm pretty famous myself." I put a hand on my hip.

"The only one that can beat me is me." The blue haired ace declares, bouncing the ball. "First to three, Satsuki, wanna ref'?"

"Fine." A busty girl with peachy pink hair huffs.

The ball hits the tramac. I can see camera phones being trained on me. One. Two. Three.

I step aside as Aomine dives in my face in order to deceive me, he almost topples over. I steal the ball and start to dribble to my basket. He'll be in front of me soon. No way I'll get to do a set shot with Aomine Daiki in front of me. I turn away from the Generation of Miracles' ace and jump, throwing the ball at the backboard of the opposing backboard. Aomine gets closer to the other board so as the ball bounces back and hits me in the stomach, I am close enough for a basic set shot.

From that point on, Aomine played harder. He got the next three shots in because he out street-ed me! The humiliation to be a New Yorker and lose in a street style game!

~(^v^)~ End of Flashback ~(^v^)~

"Don't tease me, Ryouta! I'm not in the mood!" I stomp my foot.

"Konekochi! I'm just trying to make you laugh!"

"By pointing out my epic fails?" I ask

"...I didn't think about it like that...sorry Konekochi..." Kise hangs his head.

"We could prank call Kasamatsu-senpai!" Kise suggests.

"It's your fault if we get caught!"

I lead the blond to the recliner and he pulls me onto his lap. This isn't so bad, sitting on his lap... I punch in the number for our senpai into the landline and proceed to call, aware that on this type of phone 'unknown number' is said and not the actual phone number!

"Hello, you've reached Kasamatsu Yukio. How can I help you?"

"Hellew, I was wenderen if yes refrigerator was a runnen?" Kise puts on a ridiculous voice.

"Yes... It's running."

"Then you'd better go catch it!" Kise exclaims.

"Yeah, yeah, I probably should, sorry WHAT!" And with that we hang up.

I punch the number in again, putting him on speaker

"Hello, you've reached Kasamatsu Yukio. How can I help you?"

"Hi, is Icy there?"


"Icy, yes, is Icy Weiner there?" I ask.

"Icy Weiner! No! No M'am! That isn't what I meant! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

We're hung up on this time. Kise is laughing hysterically.

"It's not working Kise." I protest. "A few prank calls won't make me feel better."

"C'Mon , Konekochi. Let's sit down and watch movies or something." He pulls me onto his lap as we return to the sofa and load up Netflix. I continue to cry. I don't even know why anymore.

"Ryoko, you're a devious bitch. Can wrap any fool around your finger." Oh, that's why...

"He hurt you, Konekochi. You deserve better." Kise strokes my hair.

"What does a devious bitch really deserve, Kise? I don't deserve a friend like you! I don't deserve you! I'm just a devious bitch!" I curl my legs up and hug my knees as the copycat of the Generation of Miracles holds me close.

"You're not a devious bitch, Konekochi, how much proof do you want of that?" He demands.

"Convince me, Kise." I fold my arms.

"Mean." He pokes my tearstained cheek. "Konekochi, I've never met someone who is as dedicated as you. You're beautiful, strong and skilled. I'm so happy to call you my friend. You're Konekochi, you're not a bitch."

Do I actually believe this? At the corner of my eye, I spot that mum will be home at any moment and I think her brain would explode if she saw me on Kise's lap. Looks like he has to let go.

I hug my friend. "Thank you Kise! I'll calm down now! I promise!" His grip on me loosens. I wriggle out of his hold, kneeling in front of him on the sofa.

"You're still hurting."

"I think part of me was hurting before he came here..." I admit. "He was the first person to truly screw me over."

"He's a terrible person. Trust me. You deserve so much better."

"Like?" I cock a brow.

I hear the door open. I rush to the door to greet my mum at warn her that Nate is around.

Did Kise say something? Like 'like me'? Did he say that? No, I'm delusional.

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