barry is the flash

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Barry and thea have got to know eachother a lot now she knows that barry is the flash and barry knows that thea was speedy and now they both are not able to be thrown apart from eachother now they think that now they should start dating but thea wants to but she does not how to date a speedster when he has to going running all the time and save the city but that is what thea likes about barry is that she will have to work with him how they are going to make it work and then the next day barry and zoom made a deal that barry will give is speed to zoom if zoom does not hurt thea and he said ok so barry stepped on treadmill and started running and slowing losing his speed and and put In a vial that zoom had inject himself with and as zoom was going to inject barry speed thea since she loved barry she started to attack zoomwith every thing she had and ended up getting Injected with barry speed instead of zoom and when she got Injected she fainted to the the floor and zoom said that is what she gets for getting involved and as zoom was going to I eject himself he looked at it and said no she took what I wanted

Barry pov

I told the team that we can not let oliver know what happend to thea cause he will try to kill zoom himself cisco asked when do we tell him I said we will tell him when thea is ready to tell him

speedy and the flashDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora