Early Morning Mayhem - Poe Dameron x Reader

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When Snap Wexley joined the Resistance, he begged you to come with him. You had been neighbors since you were children growing up on Akiva, and were nearly inseparable by the time you were five. When you were ten, Nora Wexley taught you both how to fly, and when you were twelve, you helped him cope with her sudden departure. You collected scrap metal and spare parts for him to sell when he opened his small business, and when his mother finally returned, you kept the shop open while he helped her hunt down Imperial fugitives.

You were blatantly displeased when he told you he'd been recruited as a fighter pilot, and rightfully so. The last thing you wanted was for your best friend to get blown up into a million tiny pieces. Naturally, your concerns sparked a heated debate about the soundness of his decision:

"I'm just worried, that's all," you said exasperatedly.

"(Y/n), I'm literally the best pilot you know," Snap joked. You rolled your eyes.

"The First Order isn't going to give a damn about how great you are while they're trying to kill you!" A pause. "I just don't want you to get hurt, Snap. I wouldn't be able to deal with it if you did," you said softly.

"So come with me then," Snap replied instantly. You blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"Come with me, join the Resistance. You'll be able to know where I am and what I'm doing all the time, so you'll be less worried," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Yea, but what will I do?" you asked. "I'm not gonna enlist as a pilot, we both know I can't fly under pressure." Snap chuckled and nodded.

"True, but you're also the best mechanic I know. I'm sure the Resistance is gonna need someone to fix all the X-wings I'm bound to break."

You laughed quietly, then looked around at the stacks of broken machinery piled high in Snap's home.

"What about the shop?" you asked.

"(Y/n)," Snap said seriously, "the Resistance is going to support you way more than any profits from this place ever will." He gestured wildly to the store around him. "This isn't important. You'd be stupid to stay if you're thinking about the money."

You nodded, chewing your bottom lip thoughtfully (a nervous habit). Finally you looked back up at him.

"I'll do it," you stated firmly.



When you arrived at the Resistance base on D'Qar, Snap had eagerly introduced you to Goss Toowers, one of the senior starship mechanics for the Resistance's fleet. Goss had been thrilled you wanted to join the technical crew, and offered you a position as a mechanic right away ("This is so exciting, we love getting new members on tech crew," he had gushed happily. You couldn't help but smile).

You found that the Resistance's fleet of T-70 X-wings were quite similar to the T-65 models you had learned to fly with Snap back home, just with slightly different engines and weapons pods. It didn't take you long to establish yourself as one of the most skilled mechanics on the tech crew, with the most severely damaged X-wings going directly to your station after battles.

You had to admit, you understood why Snap had been so eager to join the Resistance. You felt like you had become a part of something much bigger and more important than yourself, and you truly enjoyed every moment of your job.

You also enjoyed getting to know the many technicians and pilots you worked with. You'd always been more reserved with people you didn't know well, but it had only taken you a few days to become close friends with Jess Pava.

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