"What? By the request of who?"

"Niccolo," she says, her voice still annoyingly calm.

Of course. Of course it was that damned asshole. God, I hate him so much.

"No! Can you do something about this... please?" I beg.

She simply shakes her head, anger boiling inside me. I just lost the best source of my income, and she doesn't seem to care. She probably didn't even try.

"I'm sorry." Oh please. I roll my eyes. "I don't know what his reasons are, but I don't ever dare question them." She pushes up the pink glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. "If you wish to voice your concerns then I advise you speak with Niccolo yourself. I will not risk a bullet for..." She looks me up and down before finishing. "A stripper." She waves me off dissmively. "That is all."

I part my lips to speak, but stop when she lifts her laptop back open and continues to type away on her computer. There's a silence between us as the keyboard click-clacking fills my ears.

I want to reach across this room and snatch her ass, but decide against it. I still need this job no matter how angry I am right now.

Storming out of the room, I slam the door shut behind me and make my way back out onto the main floor.

I look up to the second floor to see Niccolo no longer at his booth. Then I look down just as Sky steps off the elevator. Approaching her, she rolls her eyes when she sees me.

I'm still fuming with anger, so I ignore the dirty looks she's giving me. "Where's Nic?" I ask her.

"Who?" A smug smile tugs at the corners of her thin lips.

She's trying to play dumb, and I don't have to time for her games. "You know who the fuck I'm talking about. Now, where is Niccolo?"

She shrugs, popping the gum in her mouth. "I don't know. And if I did I wouldn't help you."

My hand shoots out and I'm so close to wiping that smirk off her face, but CoCo steps in. "Come with me hun. I know where he is." She flips off Sky, and motions me with her index finger to follow her.

Sky just stands there with a stank attitude. She's so lucky CoCo interfered in time, because I would've been dragging Sky and her extensions all the way across this floor.


I follow CoCo all the way over to a door. "We aren't really allowed in here, so go in at your own risk." She turns to face me. "And if he rocks your ass, keep my name out ya mouth. I got two babies at home, ya heard?"

I nod, thanking her for assisting me. I wait until she leaves before bursting open the door.

Two men grab my arms, holding me back. Niccolo stands to his feet, and wipes the white powder from his nose. His gun is drawn and aimed at me.

My eyes almost pop out of my head in fear at the sight before me. The other man who was with Niccolo moments ago also has his gun drawn and aimed at me.

There's white powder on the table lined up in a row, along with credit cards, and dollar bills rolled up. It's not hard to infer what they had been doing in here.

I look back up at Niccolo. He looks pissed. But that's normal. He lowers his gun, and says something in Italian to the two men still holding on to me. "Lasciala andare(let her go)." They release me, and his eyes flicker on to me. "What the hell are you doing in here?" He seethes, his jaw flexed and his accent thick.

"You gave that bitch Sky my clients!?" I shout at him, remembering why I barged in here in the first place.

I lunge at him without thinking, and slap him across his face. His head jerks to the left, my palm stinging and his face a tinge of red.

"You Fierri's and your damned women," the scary old man from earlier mumbles.

Niccolo snaps his head in his direction, the whites of his eye now red with fury. "This little business meeting is over," he barks. "Take your stash and get out Sin," he says to the old man.

The man known as Sin, takes his leave. He and the other two men step out of the room also, leaving me alone with an angry Niccolo.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He growls out loudly, whipping his head back in my direction. He carelessly waves the gun around. I stand still, unfazed. I was scared as hell, but he didn't need to know that. "I should kill you for even putting your hands on me."

"Awe." I cross my arms over my chest, unable to keep my mouth shut. I should've kept my mouth shut, but the bitch in me hasn't quite mastered that concept. "Did I embarrass you in front of your little friends?"

He stops pacing, and runs a hand through his hair, his eyes darkening. "I've had enough of your mouth," he says menacingly calm. A chill courses down my spine at how low his voice has gotten.

I swallow hard and step back. He steps forward and grabs my arm. "Ow," I whimper. "You're hurting me, Nic." He digs the muzzle of his gun into my back, not caring that I'm currently in pain by how hard hard he's gripping my arm. I feel like it's one movement away from being yanked from its socket.

"You want to know why I gave your clients to Sky?" He says, dragging me out of the room. I attempt and fail to get out from his hold, his grip only tightening.

I felt like my bones were being crushed and I wanted to cry out and scream. But there were so many witnesses, so many eyes on us that I was afraid he'd just kill me if I made a noise.

People stare at us with concern, unable to see the gun pressed into my spine because he's so close. So close that I can smell the manly cologne on him.

I'm dragged all the way into a dark corner, and whipped around to face him. I look up at him, cornered.

"I want you to myself," he admits, his warm breath coating my face as he stares down at me.

"No," I tell him. He hasn't paid me any attention all night. His eyes are a deep shade of brown and he looks like he's struggling to control himself. Against what? I don't know.

"Stop telling me no."

"No," I say again.

"You don't really have a choice," he counters.

"Oh, but I do have a choice, pretty boy. And my answer is no. I'm not your property." I continue to stare up at his enlarged, glassy eyes. He's clearly not in his right mine. I find myself reaching up to cup his cheek, before I can stop myself. "How much crack did you consume?"

He shoves my hand away.

I'm pretty sure Marcellius doesn't know about this, because when I barged in, Niccolo had jumped up like he'd just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Maybe I should tell Marcellius. I may hate the asshole, but I wasn't heartless. He might need help.

"Actually, based on the fact that I now own the apartment you're living in, you are my property."

What the hell did he just say?

And just when I thought this couldn't get any worse- it does. Much worse.

Niccolo Fierri [Book #2]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें