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Introduction of the Characters :


The most beautiful n preetiest girl in the whole world , but this beauty became a curse for her , this is the reason y she trapped in the dark room by her siblings . The most sweet n innocent girl .

Sumedh ( Sibling , Villain )

Sumedh Mugalkar is one of the siblings of Roopasi who is very cruel n having a gang of his siblings . He used to trouble Roopasi a lot n made her trap in the dark room , he was innocent till his parents die n later he was spoilt the rest of his siblings. Harsh only in Roopasi matter but soft n innocent in other matters . N s he Also has a girl friend.

Mallika Singh ( Gf )

Girl friend of Sumedh who thinks Sumedh as his whole world leaving his no one is there she feels but doesn't know about Roopasi but knows others . Innocent n sweet like Roopasi , knows Roopasi but doesn't know that she is Sumedh's sister .

Aleya ghosh ( Sibling , villain )

She is a sibling of Roopasi n cruel , she Manisha n Karthik spoilt Sumedh after their parents death . She is cruel through heart n knows mallika n has a boy friend daksh .

Manisha ( Sibling , Villain )

She is a sibling of Roopasi n cruel . She n Karthik were cruel from childhood by their neighbours.  She is cruel through heart n knows mallika n has a boy friend harsh .

Karthik Malviya ( Sibling , Villain )

Sibling of Roopasi n cruel from  childhood . He also knows Mallika . Cruel by heart not like Sumedh . Has a girl friend Liza .

Now Roopasi Supporting Characters

Avneet Kaur

She's a bit rowdy girl but loves everyone like her own ones . One of Roopasi best friend . N doesn't have any boy friend .

Tisha Kapoor

She's a foodie but loves everyone like her own ones . She n Avneet r best friends of Roopasi . N has a boy friend sambh .

So guys this will be posted once in a week don't think a tragic story just by seeing the title , this also has some comedy times , n ofc tragic time not much , n much more .

Murali Bhakth Andhera Meh Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora