The shocked everyone.

(Mandy)- What?

(Tuesday)- "Prototype" is, like, a good thing, right?

(Lydia)- No. He ain't a real doll, girl.

(Lou)- You thought that I stuck around because I cared so much about you mindless sycophants?

Kitty gasped, offended.

(Tuesday)- "Sycophants" is, like, a good thing, right?

(Kitty)- (She groans.) No, you imbecile!

(Tuesday)- (To Babo.) Is "imbecile" a good thing?

(Babo)- My gut says yeah.

(Lou)- I'm the model! The mold! Sent by the factory to help guide you through. Sounds amazing, right?

(Nolan)- Uh...

(Lou)- Wrong! Prototypes are not meant for public consumption. I was never allowed to go to the Big World, but you (He pointed at Ox.) could! How could someone as ugly as you be accepted and loved while someone as perfect as I never could and never will?

(Penny)- ...Because you're ugly.

Lou looked at her in shock while she glared at him.

(Penny)- As perfect as you were created to be, you will never be perfect in personality. You're ugly on the inside Lou, while me and my friends are perfect just the way we are, inside 'n out. That's why we're going to the Big World, and not you. (She hissed.)

Lou's cold heart tore in two. He knew she told the truth, but instead of admitting it, he grew furious.

(Lou)- Is that why you don't love me...? (He whimpered while Penny's eyes widened.) Is that why you reject me? Because of what's on the inside? (He chuckled.) You know, I got jealous of you when you said you belonged with your child. It made it seem like you cared about your child more than me. (He chuckled sinisterly.) Well, if you can't love me then they won't get to experience your love either! Let's see how you feel when you're trapped in this place forever, just like me!

Lou presses the red button on his remote and the house begins to go down. He then takes a knitting needle from a weaving basket and takes off running.

The baby scooped the rest of the Uglydolls along with Mandy up and threw them out of the house to safety. The group looks up and sees Lou making his way to the roof, cackling. They began to go after him.

(Kitty)- Come on! (She yelled before she, Lydia, and Tuesday followed after the group.)

Lou runs across the roof, skillfully slides down, and lands on the floor before he continued running toward the portal. Ox chased after him on his bunny ears.

(Ox)- It was all a lie?! Dolls don't need you or your training. You did it all just to feel powerful?! (He stopped Lou from destroying the portal by grabbing onto the needle with his ears.) What happened to you?! We were like brothers!

Lou began to attack Ox, but the bunny just blocked his attacks, preventing him from hitting the portal to the needle.

(Lou)- You, a reject, were gonna leave me, just like the others!

Meanwhile, the others were running to the scene.

(Lou)- Ever wonder why the Pretties turned on you?

(Ox)- It was you! You tried to have me recycled!

(Lou)- You wanted to leave so bad, I sent you right where you belong!

Ox slapped Lou in the face a couple times and did a backflip, taking the needle from Lou.

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