Lea's mom and dad, the Silvans, were the same age as mom and dad. Dad had summed up his friends with two words. Town's troublemakers.

While that might have been their reputation in the past, and they solely focused their work now in the bakery, they apparently still had a bit of flare left in them.

Dad was best friends with Lea's dad as kids and it was only years later he met Lea's mom. But dad says he saw every bit of mischief in her, that he saw in his friend. They were made for each other.

Life however was busy on both ends and they rarely saw each other these days. But that didn't stop them from helping out when they heard I was staying at the house for two months.

"Francy you could be by the desserts and..." Mrs Silvan started but Remi shook her head."No, no, no. Mrs. Silvan. There's no way Francy can be amongst deserts and not eat them. I'll take this part."

"Then I'll work by the bread and the savory pastries." I smiled.

Mrs. Silvan laughed. "Okay girls. As you wish. Tim is here to help you both as he works with us all year long. You can ask him for any type of help."

She walked over to Tim. He was an average tall guy with brown hair and a cute smile.

He seems nice. I looked at Remi. She had the same idea.

"Tim, these are Francy and Remi. The girls I told you about."

"Hi." He smiled.

We smiled back .

"You get ready and I'll tell you everything you need to know."He said politely.

We went in the back to change into our uniforms. Remi got the pink dress and the white apron and I was wearing the pale blue dress with the white apron.

"We should definitely get some pictures in front of the bakery with these uniforms on. We look adorable." Remi said slicking her ponytail back.

"I'll add that to the notes." I was playing with my uniform in front of the mirror and sighed.  "It's exhausting looking this good even in a uniform."

"Ugh same." Remi waved her hand.

We both laughed, walking back out hand in hand.  And so our work began.

There were four parts in the store. The cashier position was Lea's job but also Tim's job when Lea couldn't make it. The savory pastries part and the sweet pastries part was Tim's original job and the kitchen who was run by Mrs. and Mr. Silvan and few other bakers. So with Remi and I, we were really helping out during the tourist season.

Tim explained really well all we should be doing and how to do it.

When people started coming I was panicked a bit but they were kind enough to point at the bread they wanted, instead of just saying the name.

I had no doubt we'd fit in well.

Lucy's p.o.v

We entered through the same neon hall we had visited a few days before and made our way into the enormous gaming room. Now it officially looked like the underground gaming competitions I've seen before. There were already plenty of spectators that were here for some of the gamers.

We got our tickets checked and they handed two external drives to me and Ace while Halo got a smaller USB that looked like a key that contained a code for the game.

There were over 20 teams in the room. Every team had 5 people. That was a lot more from the small gaming competition I saw two years ago.

I felt the familiar tingles on my neck when someone was watching me. I glanced to the left and the guys instantly averted their eyes but remained unbothered.

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