"Well, just because you're reasonable and... Firm... doesn't mean that you're not an evil, faceless government tool bag." She said pushing him and I smiled

"Just give us your guy's name." Ward said exasperated

"He's not my guy!" Skye shouted

"You understand he's in danger." Coulson said calmly

"Then let me go! Let me talk to him. Me, not the T-1000 here." She said pointing at Ward

"You want to be alone with him. Of course. She's a groupie. All this hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D., tracking powers, she might as well be one of those sweaty cosplay girls crowding around Stark Tower." I laughed quietly as Skye looked offended

"What?!? I would –It was one time." Skye admitted and I laughed louder this time

"Ward" Coulson said and they walked out

We sat in silence for what felt like hours before they came back into the room.

"This is QNB-T16. It's the top shelf martini of sodium pentothal derivatives." Coulson said placing it into a gun

"It's a brand new and extremely potent truth drug. Don't worry. The effects only last about an hour."

My face paled in fear as I subtly tried to move back. But Ward stopped me.

He walked towards Coulson

"And you'll have a nice little nap. And we'll have all the answers to our – Hey!" He said as he was injected with the serum

"What the hell?!?" Ward said turning towards Coulson

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Coulson said with fake sympathy

"No. But you've lost your mind. You should never do that to a member of your team. And yes, it did hurt a little bit. But I always try to mask my pain in front of beautiful women.." I raise my eyebrow and Skye smirks

"Because I think it makes me seem more masculine. My God, this stuff works fast!" He said sitting down

"Don't trust us? Ask him whatever you'd like." Coulson said about to leave the room

"Wait a minute. Wait, you can't just – this is definitely not protocol!" Coulson just shut the door

"You seem nervous, Agent Ward." Skye said as she stood and took off her jacket

"I'm calling to mind my training." Ward said

"There's no way I'm going to reveal classified secrets to a few girls who is  hell bent on taking us down." Ward snapped

"Have you ever killed anyone?" I asked

"Yes, a few" he closes his eyes "High risk targets. But they were terrible people who were trying to murder nice people. And I didn't feel good afterwards." He said

"And does your grandmother know about these things?" Skye asked

Wards face goes sad "Gramzy?"

An hour later Ward fell asleep and me and Skye left the room to Coulson waiting watching a screen

"Did Agent Ward give you anything?" Coulson asked

"He told us he's been to Paris, but never really seen it and that he wishes you had stayed in Tahiti." Skye told him

"It's a magical place." Coulson sighed

"Ward doesn't like your style." I said

"I kinda think I do." Skye finished

"What about his?" Coulson said pointing to a video

"Remains in critical condition. Employees could not identify the attacker, but security footage confirms that this man assaulted the factory foreman before damaging thousands of dollars' worth of company property." The reporter said

"This is wrong. This is not...the guy I met...he was...He just needs a break." Skye sighed

"Then give him one. What have you got?" Skye still looked hesitant

"Skye just tell him he wants to help"

"Listen to your friend that's all we want to do Skye"

After Skye had given him the information more people came and crowded around the table.

"Mike Peterson, factor worker, married, one kid. Gets injured, gets laid off. Wife jumps ship. Good guy, bad breaks. Best guess is, somebody tells him they can make him strong again, make him super." Coulson told the others

"Who has the tech to do that? And why would they want to?" An older Asian woman said

"Fitz, what do we have from the security footage before the blast?" A lighter haired male came forward and began talking he stood next to a female

He touches come controls and a video plays

"What are we seeing?" The same Asian woman asked

"Well the man is angry at the other man." I laughed softly as the others gave him a look Fitz smiled at me

"The data is very corrupt." The female said suddenly

"Yeah, like cold war Russia corrupt." Fitz said after


"I can't sync the timecode without –" Fitz began

"What if you had the audio?" Skye said

" I was running surveillance on the lab. I had my shotgun mike pointed at the window before the blast. The digital file's in my van. There's too much background noise for me, but you could probably –"she was cut off

"You can clean that up, can't you? Find a sync point and use cross field validation, to find –the female began

"But I can't scrub for expression patterns when the Vit-C is all –" Fitz carried on

"Well, is there a chrominance subcarrier?" I said and everyone turned to look at me and I shrugged

"Yeah, attached to the back porch, brilliant. How did you know" Fitz said

"Just a guess I suppose I'm not just a pretty face after all" I smiled knowing i had anticipated what she was going to ask.

"Um, that audio would be great. Thank you, very much." They said together

"Your van's here, but you were right, we couldn't decrypt the files." Coulson told her

"The encryptions coupled to the GPS. Get my van back to that alley and then I'm in business." Skye smiled

"Agent May will escort you. And on your way out, wake up Ward. Alice can you stay here assist Fitz Simmons?"

"Sure whatever you need"

I was stood inside the lab looking over Fitzs shoulder

"Audio file should be coming though. It's not compressed so it might take a minute." Skye said through the call

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm getting it." Fitz said

"So, uh, when – when you get back, I'll show you my thing. A thing, it's not...it's my hardware. My equipment." I laughed and he looked at me awkward

"Let's...hang up." He said and ended the call

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