"My speakers.."Jirou states looking at her feet

Chat Noir attacked and dodged Kirishima's attempt at taking him down, throwing him towards Sero, he jumped and wrapped a capture tape on Sato's head, he landed behind him to see Tokoyami sending dark shadow towards him

"Hey, you remind me of someone"Chat Noir states and used his stick to prevent him from coming closer

Ice were sent his way making him jump, he passed by Jirou and decided to take this chance on wrapping the capture tap on her, he landed and looked around

"I was wondering when you'd be showing up.."Chat Noir looks towards where the ice started seeing Todoroki, half of his right side were almost covered in ice

'Is that normal?..' he thought when he noticed it

"Do you always joke around when in battle?"Iida asked looking at him

Chat Noir loooks at him and nods"I do actually, it helps ease the tension a little"he states and avoided the ice sent by Todoroki

"That is inapprorpiate, you should-"Chat Noir wrapped a capture tape in his mouth

"I'll agree with you.."Chat Noir then crosses his arms as he landed a few meters away from him"But where's the fun in that?"he asked, his head leaning to the right, his cat ears followed his movement

"Stand still.."Todoroki states as he tried to cage Chat Noir with his ice

"I'd rather not"Chat Noir states as he uses his stick to propel himself up in the air and landed on a pole before jumping away

'I'm almost there' Chat Noir landed a few meters away from their meeting place when he suddenly saw a bunch of birds on the tanks and metal pipes 'How did these things even get here? And this many?' he thought as he hid behind a tank

He placed a finger on his earpiece"M'lady, I think there's an ambush waiting for us"

"Wait for my signal, I'll divert their attention"Ladybug states on the other end

'Weird... usually I'm the one doing the distracting' Chat Noir thought as he peered on the corner to scout the area

'Alright, there's Koda, Shoji, Ojiro and Mina... lucky for me it's not pigeons' he went closer and landed behind a metal pipe

He saw Ladybug landing in the middle of the field, the birds suddenly moves and surrounds her, Chat Noir squinted his eyes to try and see who are the other newcomers that arrived after Ladybug

'It's hard to see...' he looked back to where Ladybug is and saw her using her lucky charm, Ladybug then used that object to disperse the birds before going towards Koda, who seems to panic when he noticed Ladybug coming towards him

'Is that my cue?..' Chat Noir asked before grabbing his stick

Ladybug avoided an attack sent by Mina and used her yoyo to launch her towards Shoji who catches her, Ladybug wrapped the capture tape on Koda before landing on top of a metal pipe

Chat Noir took this as his signal and landed beside her"Nice work, kitty"Ladybug faced him

The group chasing Chat Noir arrived and looked up at them

"So.. what's your guys plan?"Chat Noir asked using his stick as a pole to lean his hands on it

Ladybug and Chat Noir shared a look before facing the students, Chat Noir noticed Sero was missing and Tsui was still nowhere to be found, he glanced behind him when he felt someone looking at him and smirked

"M'lady, would you do the honors"he faced Ladybug and held out a hand

Ladybug nodded looking at him, they jumped in unison when they they were attacked from behind, Chat Noir saw Momo pulling out a rope from behind her while Uraraka was being carried by dark shadow 

My Miraculous Hero [ A Bnha x Miraculous Ladybug crossover]Where stories live. Discover now