"Yes, it is I, Lord Voldemort. And I warn you now, I may look like a teen, but I'm just as deadly as I was before," Tom threatened, his eyes glowing bright red and his magic filling the room. Many let out gasps of surprise at the enhanced addicting magic. Tom smirked. "Now, let me introduce you to someone. Say hello to Mortem." Harry took this as a cue to let his own magic out. This time with both their auras, some fell to the ground at the shear strength. The magic was enticing, yet deadly like a gold double edged sword. Many cowed at their eyes alone. The color of two unforgivables swirling in the piercing eyes.

"Mortem is my right hand, and you will treat him with respect." Many seemed annoyed that a mysterious figure gained such a high ranking. "I sense disagreement," he stated coldly. Harry had to keep his mask tight on to not laugh. Tom deserved an Oscar. "He is the reason I stand before you all today. Annoy him, and you'll see consequences," he bit out. Many paled at those words. "Now, let's get down to business. There has been... a change of plans," Tom started nonchalantly. "We will no longer be killing muggles and mudbloods." Harry winced at the derogatory curse but knew it was necessary. "Instead, we will cut off muggles from out world for good and intergrade the magic blood where it belongs. We after all, can't have purebloods doing lowly jobs, leave that to the mudbloods and squibs." People seemed satisfied with that explanation. "We will be working from the shadows this time, through the ministry and under the watchful eye of my inner circle." Tom sent a quick message to them, telling the group to reveal themselves. The shudder of fear was not unnoticed as the group of infamous death eaters came into sight. Especially at the sight of Barty and the twins who were supposedly dead.

"Things will be different this time. I don't want to hear any one of you getting into trouble or getting caught," Harry took over, glaring at the people. "You as of now represent us, and I expect no drama or news that could indicate our Lord's resurrection." Harry's eye twitched at the small smirk on Tom's face at being called lord. "If you do, punishments will be just as severe as last time," Harry said with a malicious grin. "Now, you must all be in shock. I suggest you get some rest and go home. The second you entered this room, a magical contract bestowed upon you, courtesy of your pretty little mark. You will only be able to speak of this to those who already know this secret. And if you try to break this rule, we will know."
"That is all, I bid you all a good day," Tom finished. But before anyone left, Tom quickly nodded to Harry. Harry then gazed at his friends in the eyes.

'I'm going to send you mental projections of certain members. Obliviate them and imperio them to go back to what they were doing.' The group nodded and started smoking away. Harry suddenly let out a laugh.

"Your smoking is a discount shadowing," he joked as they disappeared into the smoke. Tom sniffed.

"It is a mark of a death eater," he defended indignantly. Soon enough, it was just Harry and Tom left. The two gazed at each other before smiling.
"We did it," Harry said in awe. Tom laughed.

"Yes, we did." Tom raised a hand and touched Harry's cheek. "You're beautiful like this, you know?" Tom murmured. Harry laughed.

"You got a thing for my dark side?" he joked. Tom smiled and pecked is lips.

"No, I just love all of you," Tom replied. Harry smirked and pulled him in tighter.

"Neville, the Wrackspurts seem to like you a lot," Luna said dreamily as she on the floor beside the boy. Neville hummed.

"I guess so," he responded absently as he watered the Dittany plant. It was a secret tradition of theirs. Every week Neville would tend the greenhouse and Luna would join to chat. It happened on coincidence the first time, Luna just happened to already be there. Soon enough, they would come back the same time every week. "I wonder if Professor Sprout would let me become her apprentice," he thought aloud. Luna's usual dreaminess turned subdued.

"She will. In 4 years, she will invite you to be her apprentice," Luna said, looking at her fingers. There was something Luna never told Harry. Her memories were revolved around him and what was important to her. What he didn't know was how important Neville was to her. Harry had brought them together in the DA, and they were inseparable from then on. The truth was their meeting this time around wasn't a coincidence. Luna knew exactly when Neville came by. He always claimed plants need the most care in the evenings.

"You sound so sure," Neville murmured as he moved on to trimming.

"I am. The Hinkypunks are too," she said back in her aloof voice.

"I still don't understand what those are," he said amusedly.

"It's alright, they are hard to come by after all. They're friends with the nargles." Neville just smiled.

"Hey Luna, could you help me cast a lumos while I work with the Devil's Snare? It's easier with two hands." Luna's eyes lit up as she stood.

"Of course, I will," she replied before pulling out her wand. Walking over to the dark room the plant grew in, Luna let out a flash before making the beam smaller.

"It's amazing how much magical control you have," Neville complimented as Luna adjusted the lighting. The small witch smiled.

"Oh, it's just this spell. It can shine like the sun or moon. My name means moon, did you know that? The lights can also be like the stars," she said whimsically as she changed her spell. Soon enough, the room was covered in small specks of light. Neville looked around in awe.

"It's gorgeous," he breathed as he untangled the snare somewhat distracted now. Luna smiled.

"Thank you, but the Nargles help." Neville gazed at the girl before smiling softly.

"You're something else, Luna," he told her before moving away and turning back to the plant. Luna didn't respond for a moment

"You are too," she whispered as she watched him wrestle with a vine.

A.N Soooo Nuna is a ship in this, I just think they're too perfect not to be.  

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