Chapter Two- We Freaking Time Traveled!

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I sat next to Nicole. I think it's safe to say we were both hyperventilating. All of the things we had ever dreamed about to be true was. I was a witch. A witch! I screamed inside my head, but everyone looked suddenly frightened... Maybe it wasn't inside of my head. Mrs. Weasley busied herself around the kitchen, I was think of a none lame way of offering to help her, so I stood up walked up to her...

"Mrs. Weasley, could I help you?" I asked, she was about to say no I'm sure so I said, "It's no trouble, I love cooking. I bake cookies at home all the time." I told her, she sighed and nodded. It felt weird knowing so much about people's had just met. I know everything from her biggest fear, to who makes it out of the war... How many grandkids she'll have... It was just odd.

"So miss Davies... Your from Canada?" She asked, I laughed, even by teachers at my old school I wasn't called miss Davies.

"Yeah, Saskatchewan, and please, call me Mara." I told her, Nicole busied herself chopping up carrots. She was doing a good job and I just hoped she wouldn't burn down the Weasley's house. "Mrs. Weasley, do you know if I'm a pure blood or muggle born or..."

"Your a half blood, your father is a pure blood and your mother a muggle." She told me, "Yes your grandmother and grandfather are magical, each of your cousins are... That is the reason you rarely ever saw Beth, she attended Hogqarts," mrs. Wesley said, "But Haley is a squib."

I guess Mrs. Weasley knows a lot about me as well, I looked at her for a moment, "Professor Dumbledore said something about a prophecy?"

Mrs. Weasley nearly dropped the pan she was holding, "twelve years ago he-who-must-be-named was defeated, and on that night the prophecy was made. We knew the first was directed to Nicole Black, Sirius Blacks daughter... And the second would be of the friend she made when she was moved away and her memories of the first three years of her life replaced... They brought her to Saskatchewan and she met you in pre school. There was no stopping the prophecy. Two girls past age,
Fight the war for love and rage...
They know the books page by page...
But this is bringing it up a stage...
Two girls bound by friendship...
Have the power in their bond...
To save the lives of countless gone...
Still one will die in the end."

Nicole looked at me for a minute. "I dibs that I live."

"Haad yer gobbs." I told her, she collapsed onto the floor in a fit of giggles, Mrs. Weasley starred at us with her mouth wide open. I looked at her, "I'm not going to stop living if one of us is destined to die."

"That's very mature of you." She said surprised, I shrugged my shoulders and poured myself some lucky charms. Mrs. Weasley's smiled at me, "The leprechaun who plays that role is very nice, and that cereal is truly magically delicious."

Omg. Look at those marshmallows in that bowl.

"Mara! The gnomes! We must go catch the gnomes!" Nicole suddenly cried jumping up from the table. She rolled out the door and landed in mud, I laughed and skipped out following her. I missed the mud though. I'm skilled like that.

"Thanks Mrs. Weasley, oh... Btw what is the date?" I asked, she looked confused.


"By the way." I resisted the urge to say Duh. I gave her a warm smile, but that was mainly because I was thinking about Fred, me and Nicole had often fought over who dibbesd him.

"August 26, 1993." She told me, I gasped. I was -7. I guess I'm not getting my drivers license anytime soon. "JK Rowling! It's August 26, 2015."

I almost died laughing as I ran outside, I then ran back in. "When we going shopping?" I asked, she shrugged.

"Tomorrow, we are meeting up with Hermione and Ron, we will be staying at the leaky cauldron." I freaked, I was meeting Harry Potter... Oh I guess its important for us to prove Sirius Blacks innocence because he's Nicole's dad. I wonder who her mom is... Let's call her mom Joe. It seems like something Nicole's mother might be named. I can also see her wondering if her mom was a fat lady. That is definitely something she would think about.

"Mara come be an Awsome possum with me!" Nicole yelled, "I'm trying to find the car!" All of a sudden there was a loud bang and the Burrow was a less original house.

"Change it back!" I yelled at Nicole, we then fought over a carrot and fell asleep beside a well. Nicole ended up in the well. Oh well. Hehe... Well.

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