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As 9s sleeps in the camp A2 came in carrying injured 2b, 9s awakens and goes out seeing 2b injured.

9s: A2 you told me 2b's going to be fine! LOOK AT HER!

A2: 9s these are just minor damages,so please calm down!

9s: Even though! I never wanted to see 2b hurt......not again.

A2: What do you mean "again"?

9s: You killed her!!

A2: Why would you think of that?!

9s: I remember everything now! 

A2: How did you---

9s: I got my old data chip and replaced it with this data chip THAT YOU GAVE ME,JUST SO I CAN'T REMEMBER 2B!

A2: Bring 2b to the repairs along with the others NOW!

How was 9s able to find his old memories? You may ask,well that opera singing robot detected a corrupted chip and a working Android just laying around.She hacked into 9s making him replace his data chip with the corrupted one.

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