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"youre so cute rindou!"

"its okay with me, its the path you chose anyway."

"i still care about you, asshole!"

"i fucking hated you from the start." he turned back, leaning his arms to the white rails of the balcony tas it was decorated with different types of flowers, the crisp air making his pink and dark purple hair dancing within its flow as he pulled out the animal keychain along with the developed picture when they were in the themepark.

"you need to smile, rindou."

"how the fuck am i supposed to smile when you're with somebody else now?!" his voice was laced with non other than pure heartache, clutching on the small pink octopus whilst the picture she said on that specific day was almost crumbled by his very hands.

"i never knew a person like that could smile at me so genuinely, how the fuck could you smile at a damn criminal, naomi?" a million thoughts he wanted to say yet remained inside, welled up in his mind that he refused to let out on the very person that caused all of this.

whenever he was feeling blue, stressed, or even just a normal day, remembering her presence would always set the mood because it was the very reason he was still walking alive on the earth anyways, a reason to live was all he wanted and yet it finally came, it was such a short time wherein he wished to turn back time to repeat every precious moment theyve shared that was now stored away.

you were always so pretty to me,

even if you werent doing anything,

seeing you happy makes me happy,

even if you hurt me,

even if you swore at me,

it will always never change the fact that i fell harder for you than i ever planned,

i certainly imagined you,

with your usual smile,

wearing all white while i did too,

walking closer to me to let our story begin,

just the two of us,

i never knew it came quicker than i expected,

you were always so beautiful, you damn idiot.

good thing you didnt trip or fuck up.

so beautiful, a smile even gold could never buy,

holding white flowers, you walked down the aisle with grace, like you always did.

but you werent coming to me,

you walked passed me but still smiled at me like all the problems were already fixed,

but i smiled back, because you were happy.

you were happy because you chose what made you happy,

and that wasnt me.

its okay, really.

because seeing my pretty idiot happy inside anothers arms was enough,

i stood there beside them,

the two people i loved and cared about,

you two looked at each other with so much love with grins on your faces,

i deeply wished i was that too, but i wasnt.

and it will never happen no matter how hard i hoped,

but i watched with a smile,

the pain touched my soul with so much heartache, the only person who i thought was mine was sharing vows with someone else,

but i didnt mind, since i cared for them both.

he was my brother after all.

she was my love, my darling

seeing them together, overjoyed,

was enough to ease my pain.

because i finally realized,

letting go is also a form of love,

and that,

you cant force someone to choose you

we had to let go of things that brought us pain and love at the same time so.....

"i love you, and i let you go, darling."



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