Some Headcanons

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They're all "forever 10" or whatever but they act more like teenagers because they've actually been alive longer except for the oddly mature 8 year olds (even if bonnie is the only oddly mature one-)

this will be updated over time so I'd come back and check this anytime a new chapter's published just because new information :)

Also this can be called no one's straight, the closest thing we have is brock

a lot of them are aspec too


-"The Kid"
-"The 10 Year Old"
-Agender bean :)
-Any pronouns but prefers he/him most of the time
-Very Panromantic Asexual
-Arceus's son
-has two dads (Arceus, Kukui) and three moms (Mew, Delia, Burnet)
-Brock and Kiawe are his adopted older brothers
-siblings with literally every other legendary
-favorite word is fuck
-packed to the brim with trauma
-needs supervision at all times
-The Kalos Crisis is still an open wound
-Dating and lives with Serena
-Best Friends with Gary (and Pikachu of course)
-Member of the Chaos Trio with his two best friends
-Knows where Greninja gets the crack
-May do crack every so often
-Stupid Ideas™️
-Pretends to hate Jessie, James, and Meowth
-The five (Ash, Pikachu, TR) are actually pretty close
-Least likely to reach out about his issues and trauma
-Will only trauma dump to his pokemon, Serena, Gary, Brock and Team Rocket. Well, and the legendaries.
-ily <3 is him avoiding his trauma
-there have been at least five new laws enacted in regions he's been to because he did something stupid
-idk stopped counting after kanto
-In the Cool Kids
-Is rich af but still has yet to pay Misty for her bike
-like half of his friend's gay awakening
-don't let him into the kitchen unless you want something to go very wrong.


-Cis Male
-Very Homoflexible
-Stupid Best Friend who Encourages the Ideas
-Needs Supervision
-Chaos Trio w/ Ash & Pikachu
-Before you ask, yes, Ash was his gay awakening


-just questioning
-shes unsure about her gender, romantic orientation, sexuality, and pronouns
-she knows she's comfortable with she/they tho
-knows she has romantic attraction towards girls tho
-About to hurt Ash & Gary if they don't stop
-Best friends with Serena
-supposed to supervise Gary


-Cis Male
-Ash adopted him as an older brother
-the only mature one


-Cis Male
-GrayBiromantic Bisexual
-just there lmao
-would rather draw then pay attention to the mess of a group chat Ash created


-Cis Female
-Big Shipper
-yalls already know this but Max's sister
-Secret relationship with Drew
-lives with Drew


-Cis Male
-Hes literally 8
-already known but May's brother
-"ew romance"
-doesnt understand bonnie liking romance
-is a gamer
-games with Chloe
-in a trio with Cilan and Lana somehow


-Biromantic DemiBisexual
-Not out yet to most about being non-binary
-Secret Relationship with May
-He and May live together


-Cis Female
-Panromantic Bisexual
-Very much has a crush on Paul and Zoey
-lives with Paul atm
-wants her own place but is scared
-because Conway
-he's only gotten worse and stalks her more :(
-everyone is literally about to beat him up
-she has reported him to the police
-specifically jenny
-because she knows jenny will solve it
-outside of her friends' homes she's glued to someone

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