The Falcon & The Winter Soldier: Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

While Walker has Sam pinned on the floor she gets him on a chokehold, but he still won't let go of Sam. "I. Am. Captain America!" Walker chokes out as he rips the wings of Sam's Falcon suit. Walker quickly stands and slams Vanessa against a pole until she loses her grip enough for him to throw her. He then once again grabs the shield lifts it ready to kill, only this time it's Vanessa. 

Vanessa conjures enough magic to make a faint figure appear. As Walker lowers the shield ready to smash it on Vanessa's face the figure suddenly places a hand on it. "Don't do this John. This isn't you" Lemar's figure says. Walker looks at Lemar's faint blue figure in front of him then down at Vanessa's glowing hands. "Get out of my head!" He yells, not believing that the figure standing before him is the real Lemar.

He once again lifts the shield only this time to be tackled by Bucky. Vanessa tries to stand up to go and help Bucky but is hit with a wave of dizziness. Vanessa lays on the ground for a couple of seconds before a hand helps her stand up. "Just for the record, physically you are not okay either," Nate says. "Shut up," she tells him, as she leans against him for support. She watches as Bucky picks up the shield and throws it down next to Sam.

Bucky makes his way over to where Vanessa is leaning against a pole. He notices how there is a small trickle of blood coming from her head. "You alright?" He asks her. She gives him a small smile, "No, but I'll be okay."


They made their way back to the military base where the others were stationed. "The GRC is conducting raids to try and find Karli. But so far, they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, and just like the last camp, nothing. She's gone. We'll never find her" Sam explains. "Hey! You got your, uh, you got your sleeve back!" Torres says. Vanessa smiles at his horrible joke. Count on him to always try and make them smile, even after a horrible situation.

Bucky glares at him before he turns around and makes his way to the door. "Are you off to take care of Zemo?" Sam asks. Bucky only turns to look at them but says nothing. "All right, good to know you survived!" Torres says. "Stop taunting him," Vanessa says with a smile. "What's our next steps, Torres?" Sam asks him.

"Captain America killing a foreign national in public, it's kind of like a big deal. Like- Like, International Incident big. Folks, uh... Higher up on the payroll are all over it now, so, unfortunately..." Torres begins. "They're taking jurisdiction" Sam interrupts. "Yeah. What happened to these?" Torres asks referring to the torn Falcon wings. He grabs the bag and sifts through it. "So, is there anything we can do?" Sam asks him. "Not really. As you can see, they've cordoned off the whole camp, and Karli's a ghost. After what went down, she is laying extra low. Like, under-underground" Torres explains.

"And that's why it makes sense for us to get involved. The longer we let her regroup, the harder it's gonna be to find her" Sam tells him. "She's got people helping her from all over the world, on all platforms. She's really, really good at this thing" Torres says, "How'd these break? Anyway, all we can do now is sit tight and just chill. Sometimes, there's nothing to do until there's something to do." "That's bizarrely wise," Sam says, purposefully ignoring all questions about the wings. "Well, I'm a bizarrely wise man, Sam." "Yeah, alright. Thanks, Torres" Sam says.

"See you around Torres," Vanessa tells him, with a wave. "For sure. Wait, yo, you forgot the wings!" Torres yells to Sam. "Keep 'em," he says. Vanessa turns and gives him one last wave.

As Sam and Vanessa made their way back to the States he asked. "You coming home with me?" "No, I think I should go home, see my therapist or something. There is a lot going on. Besides, there's something that I need to do" she said looking down at the address on her phone. Ana had kept her promise and sent her the address where her biological mother's funeral was going to take place. Sam noticed how Vanessa kept looking down at her phone as if deciding to send the text or not. "You want to talk about it?" He asked.

Vanessa was silent for a minute before she said, "My biological mother is dead. The phone call I received a few days ago was from my sister telling me" Vanessa explained. "The Séance," he said, "It was for her wasn't it?" Vanessa nodded her head, "I needed answers. Instead, I got disappointments. I want to go to her funeral and see my siblings. Maybe they're different and might accept me, but I'm also scared of getting hurt even more."

Sam couldn't fully understand what Vanessa was going through. Although he did fight with his sister he could never imagine abandoning her and being okay with it. "Maybe you should take the risk. If they've changed then you'll have that part of your family back. If not then you can get some rest from it. Be at peace with their decision, knowing that it was not your fault" Sam says. "It's just terrifying. I haven't seen any of them in seventeen years. I'm sure there is some I've never even met" she said. 

"Well, whatever it is you decide to do and whatever their reaction is. You'll always have a spot in my family. My sister adores you, the kids already call you Aunty V. And believe it or not you're like an annoying little sister" he says with a mocking tone. Vanessa laughs at his comment, "Thank you, Sam. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. Probably would've lost my mind if you hadn't gotten me out of California when you did. Don't worry you won't be getting rid of me that easily, I'll show up at your house sooner or later."

After getting back to the States, Vanessa got a connecting flight back to California. As Sam made his way home he kept thinking about Vanessa and what she was about to do. He didn't want her to go through all of it alone, but he himself couldn't be there for her at the moment. He took out his phone and dialed a number. He only hoped that after sending him to voicemail so many times, he would finally answer.

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