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I never considered myself ungrateful. My family had lots of money and everyone knew it. Everyone treated me differently because of it, I hated it. I knew people would do anything to live that life I had, but I just wanted to be normal.

People used me for my money and would pretend to be my friend just because they thought I would give them money or buy them gifts. I only had one friend who really treated me normally. Lauren has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We were inseparable from the day we met. She was my soulmate.

"Aurora," my mother knocked on my door. "Can I come in?"

I closed my computer moving my glasses farther up on my nose. "Come in," I chirped.

My mother walked into my dimly lit room and looked around before speaking. She sighed, "The celebration is tomorrow and I need you up early so you can get ready."

I frowned, remembering that tomorrow night is my father's celebration. He was elected as mayor of Valley Falls and everyone was very excited. I was happy for him, I am. I just hated these kinds of celebrations.

They were just an excuse for my dad to remind everyone how wealthy he is. "Okay Mama," I smiled weakly.

"Get some rest sweetheart," she closed the door walking out. I looked over at the dress hanging in my closet.

The dark green gown sparkled in the quiet light. I sighed knowing the dress would look beautiful on me. I rolled over onto my side, pulling the blankets over me. I placed my glasses on my nightstand and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I was woken up to an immediate bright light beaming on my face. My mother had pulled the curtains open and turned around to look at me.

"Good morning angel," she smiled. "It's a big day and we can't waste any time."

I groaned rolling over. I thought about all of the creepy old men who would give me horny glances. It was nothing new. Every time my father put on an event like this I would be victimized.

The thought of it made my stomach curl. I threw the blankets off of me, swinging my feet over the edge of the bed. I grabbed a towel and underwear and jumped in the shower.

The warm water covered my goosebumps as they slowly disappeared. When I got out I started getting ready.

I threw on some makeup and curled my hair. I pinned my hair back, adjusting it as needed and walked back into my room to put on my dress.

I slid the dress over my body, shoving the excess skin down into it. The dress cinched in my waist and flared out at the bottom.

I ran my hands down the dress admiring how beautiful it was. I slid on the black heels sitting by my bed and grabbed the small silver purse hanging on my desk chair. I opened it to make sure I had everything in there that I needed.

"Aurora!" my father yelled from downstairs. I jumped, startled by the sudden loudness.

"Coming!" I grabbed my phone and looked in the mirror one more time before going downstairs.

As I walked down the stairs my parents watched. My mother smiled and took my hand once I got to the bottom, "You look very beautiful darling."

I smiled and we walked out of the door. I took a deep breath as we approached the security guards my dad had hired. There were many people who didn't like that he was re-elected as mayor. So much to they point they started sending death threats.

I thought it was ridiculous and that my family had no reason to worry, but they didn't. They went crazy and started hiring bodyguards and security guards to patrol the house. They wanted to hire a bodyguard for me to make sure no one hurt me but I argued with them on it.

I already had it hard as it was, everyone treating me differently, telling me to "get money from my daddy," so on and so forth. I didn't need a man following me around everywhere I go everyday just because some stupid lowlife doesn't like my dad.

I can defend myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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