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Now starts the Sunaosa!

Big Time skip.
Fifteen years later

Suna POV

"Sir you called?" I stood in the dark room, head bowed down in front of a large vintage wooden table. There sat my boss, the leader of the underworld. The youngest mafia boss, Sakusa Kiyoomi.

"Yes, as my best man I have a task for you." Sakusa said handing me a folder. Inside the folder was information on a person named Miya.

"I know that there is limited information, his parents did very well in hiding the identity of this boy because of their wealth. I want you to retrieve this boy unharmed and bring him to me at my headquarters. I don't care how you take him but if he even has a scratch on him, you're dead. I'm sure I made myself clear." Sakusa said.

In all honesty, I just wanted to shake the living shit out of this man. I was his best assassin and now he wanted me to retrieve some boy? Not to mention how far he lives from this headquarters. I could be relaxing here for all I care but what could I do.

"Understood." I responded.

"Very well." Sakusa said before dismissing me. I decided to start my trip their early. Let's just get this over with. It would take a total of 3 days driving. Since I just got a new baby, also known as my car, I decided to drive there. I packed some stuff with me like clothing and hygienic shit before throwing it into the back seat of my car. I then got myself a pillow and blanket since I rather sleep in my car then spend time looking for a place to stay. I grabbed some equipment and just like that I began my drive.

I have been Sakusa's right hand man since the very beginning. I watched him brutally murder his parents. He was a power hungry man but everything he did always resulted in success. He soon became the youngest Mafia boss to live. His enterprise grew and grew but I always remained his right hand man. Now he's sending me to do some task that literally anybody could do? I sighed before turning up the music in the car. Welp let the trip begin...

———————————— time skip, 3 days later.

It was dark by the time I arrived. I drove towards the address and I knew they were rich but I didn't expect their family to be THAT rich. I just sat in my car, staring at the house... enormous mansion in front of me.

I pulled out the document with all the information. Miya, son of a wealthy family, wears a fox mask. I sighed at the lack of information. Aight so I'm suppose to find someone wearing a fox mask. Shouldn't be too hard. Once I messaged the hacking team at headquarters of my arrival, they immediately sent me a map of the mansion to my phone. I took a while to analyze it and planned any escape routes if needed. This should be easy.

I got out of my car and prepared some rope and duck tape. Sakusa said I could bring him however I want so that's what imma do. I quietly climbed over the big wall surrounding the house and jumped onto the roof. From there I used my watch to guide me to Miya's bedroom.

Once I arrived I tried to peak in. There were two kings sized beds. It was dark but I could see that there was a person on one of the beds.

I messaged the hackers to disarm any alarm before breaking a small whole into the window and opening it from the inside. Luckily Miya had not noticed yet.

I crept in, since it was dark and I wore all black, I camouflaged real well. On the count of three I immediately covered the boys mouth with a cloth until he went limp. I then taped his mouth and tied his arms and legs together before throwing him over my shoulder and climbing out the window. Now that was too easy I thought as I threw the boy into my trunk and getting into the drivers seat. Just like that, I drove off as if nothing had ever happened.

The next three hours of driving ended up being rather peaceful. I decided to stop by at a hardware store as I was still needing some materials. I drove my car and stopped by some old run down hardware store. Trash and Beer bottles lay on the ground. The sign lights were almost non existent as almost all the lights have been burned out. One streetlight lit the road up as it flickered in the night sky.

I parked my car before grabbing some shit and hopping out of the car. I parked a bit further since I didn't want and of these druggies to damage my baby. I opened the trunk only to see Miya squirming around. Guess he's awake?

I grabbed his head and whispered right into his ear. "I'm going to bring you out. Try to escape, call for help or attempt anything, let me tell you it's not gonna end well. Also there's no point in trying to escape because the people here aren't what you expect." I say before pulling the tape off his mouth.

"W-what do ya w-want from me?" Miya asked scared shitless.

I shrugged. "Just doing my job."

I untied his arms and legs before telling him to jump out. Once he was out, not even a minute had passed before he attempted to run away. Luckily I already expected that and managed to grab him from the back of his shirt before pulling him so he was sitting in the trunk again.

"Hm? What did I tell you?" I ask.

"Don't try anything..." he mumbled.

"And what did you do?" I ask pretending to think.

"Tried something?" He says playing with his fingers.

I couldn't help but laugh. He was such a dork. I immediately regained my senses before grabbing his hand and pulling him along with me roughly.

"Where are we going uhh sir?" Miya asked.

"I need to buy something so you better be good" I mumble as we near the front entrance of the store. There were old men with long grey beers drinking at the front of the store. They wore ragged clothes and had yellow teeth. They were chugging beers as they laughed loudly into the night sky. This was a sight I saw often so it didn't really bother me. I just walked right past them. Well that's what I wanted to do but Miya had other plans.

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