❮01. Cair Paravel❯

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Here I will quickly make an explanation, the original story is from @Dion_Hart, his story is originally in Spanish, therefore whoever wants to go and support the work (Go give it stars, be civilized) you will be welcomed with open arms by the author.

For obvious reasons I first got permission to translate this story,I hope you appreciate the efforts made and understand that just because I translate the story, it would not be good to go and give a small comment and vote for the chapters that you liked in the original work.

Well that's it, let's get started

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I was packing my backpack for the first day of school, it wasn't past 11:00 in the morning, but to tell the truth there was nothing to do at home.

I went down to the room where my brothers were watching the second Chronicles of Narnia movie.

"He will not let us change it, unfortunately we will have to settle for this" My younger brother complained, he was only a year younger than me.

"Last week you liked this movie as much as they did." I pointed out to those who were watching television.

"I guess I look at her so many times that I'm not attracted to her anymore." He shrugged reluctantly.

"I've looked at it as many times as you and it still doesn't bore me at all ...

"Shh, with their talk they don't let you listen to the movie" One of my sisters interrupted me. I raised my hands in a sign of peace.

I liked the films Chronicles of Narnia movies since I was a child, I knew what was going to happen and the dialogues, I even raised money to buy a bow and arrows, and I did it, with work but I did it. It was good but I lacked practice. The movie was already halfway through, however I decided to go up to my room to carve my name on the bow and arrows. I don't know when I fell asleep but I only remember an emptiness in my chest and stomach.

Under my skin I felt warm sand, wait, I frowned when I realized it was sand, not a hard bed, well, if we compare this with the bed, I would stay with the sand. I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the sun's rays, damn it. Once used to the light I was able to get up and look around me, and yes, I was definitely on a beach (which is weirder, because the closest beach to where I live is 1 hour away) and it was strangely familiar to me.

The water was crystal clear, very beautiful. How ironic, the first time I'm on a beach and I don't even consider it. I kept watching and turned to the back.

"By holy Ramona, I'm dreaming right?..


"Well, apparently I'm not dreaming, the slap confirmed it."

He rubbed my left cheek in pain as he looked at Cair Paravel in ruins.

If this is not a joke (which I highly doubt), does that mean AM I IN NARNIA? This must be too good to be true, it's a lie, I'm sure I'm still sleeping in the hard bed in the room, I must wake up, the slap didn't work, I only have one option left.

"AHHHH!" I jumped into the water, it only left a strong pain in my right arm, cold and soaked. "Well, I don't have resources anymore, heck."

Notice that my bow along with my quiver full of arrows were where I woke up, picked them up and hung them on my back. I walked to the ruins, I hope the 4 Pevensies are already there or even some clothes.

I continued up and went straight to where the stone was supposed to be, it was open, by Aslan. Are they here?

I went down the stairs little by little, there was light, which meant that there was someone here.

"Our friends, Mr. Tumnus, the beavers, aren't they?" The shrill, sweet voice sounded very sad.

"Time to find out what happened here" A boy's voice rang out, thicker.

Without knowing it I was jumping up and down with excitement, until I fell from the stairs to fall at Susan's feet, who stepped back grabbing Lucy's shoulder. Peter and Edmund pointed their swords at me, I think I hit my head.

"Why don't I ever look at where I step? I should be Constanza's case and put eyes on her shoes to see if there if I look at where I step, Oh my head" I patted my head, I was lucky that no blood came out, then I turned to see them "hello"

"Who are you?" Peter spoke after a few seconds.

"I am ... I am your father! Tututurutu."

Why do I always have to say stupides?

Lucy gave a little laugh, followed by Edmund's smile, I think Peter and Susan didn't like the joke.

"Who are you?" She repeated the question more firmly.

"One can't break the tension because then he looks at you" I say as I get up "My name is René."

"Were you watching us?" Peter pointed more to where was.

"Nope, I don't even know where I am, I just know that I was in my bed and fell asleep to wake up in the sand" I lied and at the same time no, He obviously knew who they were, but he wasn't going to tell them.

"How old are you? You don't look more than 15 years old." This time Susan asked.

"I am 16 years old, just turned."

"What is a child doing here?" This is Edmund.

"I'm no kid" I grumbled "I bet I'm the same age as you."

"And you are correct" the little girl replied.

"See? Thank you girl." She just smiled. "By the way, what are their names? And where am I?" I should be an actor.

"My name is Peter, The Magnificent, King of Narnia."

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If you liked the chapter you can go to the original profile of the author on wattpad and vote. Telling him where you came from so he will know that the translation is not in vain .

Original story: Dion_Hart

Translation: YuuKM12

Am I in Narnia? (Male OC X Edmund Pevensie) ❮Translation❯Where stories live. Discover now