The Pixie Stick Intervention

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"Hey Sam!" She heard her exited friend, Hayden, through the phone. "I am so exited for this afternoon!" He was so loud, she had the volume all the way down, and he still seemed a little loud. "Calm down, Hayden. And you gotta get off those pixie sticks. It's starting to be a problem." He had tried pixie sticks for the first time at one of Sam's famous New Year's parties, and had at least one a day ever since. He had had ADHD before, but now... "Oh my gosh we're gonna have so much fun! I mean especially if Adam makes it we're gonna be invincible!!!" She had to hold the phone six inches away from her face now. "Actually...Can you come to my house instead of meeting at the park?" "Oh, yeah! Sure! Hey! We can play smash bros all night!!!" Sam nodded assuringly, even though she knew he couldn't see her, she always used physical gestures. "Sure...see you then." They hung up the phone, Sam started planning, and Hayden started running on his treadmill while playing Okami and watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. He seriously needed help with all of his energy.

~4:00 Saturday afternoon~

"HEY GUYS!!!" Hayden burst through the door, only to see Sam, Adam, Olga, his sister Mia, and FRANK. No one knows how FRANK ended up with them, or why he even bothers showing up most of the time. The only benefit to having him is he's a good assistant, and it's fun to say his name, because you always have to say FRANK just as written. "What are all you doing here?" Hayden said. "FRANK! Buddy! How about you get us all some water, eh?" FRANK pushed his Harry Potter glasses up a little, rushed off to the kitchen and started pouring glasses for everyone. "Hayden," Mia started. "Before any of us say anything, just know we're all your friends here." Olga put her hand on his shoulder, leading him to a seat. "And no matter how you react to what we say, we always will be." Hayden got slightly more calm. "Wah?! What do you mean? Of course we're all friends, and nothing can change that! Hey FRANK?! Where are mah drinks at?!" He put his feet up on the table in front of him. "Hayden, please calm down." Adam walked forward a little, took a deep breath and said, "Pixie sticks are-" "Great! They're the best! They have given me new life! Ever since I tried one, I can NEVER be low on sleep!" Sam put her hand up for him to stop talking. "We know, pixie sticks have helped you big time with your...sleep depravation. But that's not the answer." Hayden's face got strangely calm. "What are you saying?" His voice cracked slightly. "We're s-saying..." Olga tried to say it, but the words just wouldn't come out. "You need to give up pixie sticks." FRANK said, holding six glasses of water for everyone including himself. Everyone was astonished. FRANK had never talked before. Ever! That's why they named him FRANK. It was just random, no reason actually. "F-FRANK!" Mia ran over and grabbed three of the drinks and helped pass them out. Hayden was completely shocked. "You want me what?" Sam walked to him. "Listen, I know you-" "No you don't know! What the forskin are you trying to tell me?! I will never give up my-" FRANK cut in once again. "It's affecting you, Hayden. Please, just go one day without them. Start a new life!" Hayden flipped the table, sending cats and rainbows all around the room, and water right onto Sam's face. "Hayden! You are acting like a complete diphthong! Why the shiitake are you doing this?!" She grabbed her unicorn horn from behind the couch and blasted Hayden, shooting glitter everywhere. Olga tried to intervene, but she got hit with one of the cat's air bending attacks. She in turn shot it with a bunch of Cotten balls that on impact turned into cheese.

After the battle was over, glitter and cheese were everywhere, everyone was tired, and Olga had a new cat prisoner. "Mister fuzzy Mccuddlekinz will be my slave for as long as I like, now that he is my prisoner." Olga said with a devious laugh as she rolled the cage out of the house back to her dumpster. Hayden was caked with glitter, and Sam was covered with melting ice from when a water bending hamster tried to attack her. "S-Sam?" Hayden said. "Yes, Hayden?" Sam was still mad at him, every syllable dripping with the hatred of a million flowers, being launched into the cloudiest area of the skyloft. "You're right. I should stop with the pixie sticks. But I'm also kinda hungry" Mia grabbed their hands and dragged them to their feet "Then let's go get some food, you're not you when you're hungry." And they went off to the twix factory, where completely different war was at steak between the left and the right.

"FRANK!!! Get us some chocolate swords!"

~The End~

Don't know if this was any good, but oh well it was pretty fun to write! Don't know when my next update will be, probably whenever I have my next lack of brain power spurt!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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